Runnin F@H client without Internet

The Goose

Oct 29, 2006
I've been folding for a while now, and I just got out my old P3 1ghz machine out of the closet and booted it up to try to fold on it. It doesn't have Internet access (wireless) but the FAQ says that you can just install and run the client on one computer and then change it to another. I tried that, I saved it to a folder on my desktop, ran it for about 15 minutes, then stopped it and using a USB drive, transferred the entire folder to the P3. When I try to run it, it says "Cannot find UserID locally" and tries to connect to a server, unsuccessfully.

One thing that I think may be causing it to mess up is that the P3 machine runs Windows ME, which is only supported by the GUI client v4.0, and I don't know if that works on XP, although it does seem to fold on the XP computer. Thanks in advance.
Is their no way of connecting the computer at all? I know that it is possible I believe to edit the registry and enter that number, but I wouldn't recommend it. Also, how will you be monitoring this boxen for when its done?
I have a wireless network in my house, but I don't have a spare adapter (or the software to run it) and I can't really spend $50 to go buy one (unless I can get a 802.11g adapter for cheap somewhere). Unfortunate that I don't have a wired connection. As for monitoring, this would just be set up in a corner or my bedroom; it would be my only boxen that I don't use regularly for other things. I suppose I would just check how long it takes to do the first part of a WU then calculate approximately how long it will take, then change it to the internet computer before it's done.
You will need to edit the registry to add the User ID to it.
Use the box thats already folding for your template of where to put this and to get your ID.
Start -> Run -> Regedit.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> PandeGroup -> Folding@home -> UseID.
Its there.

Make sure you have given the box a different Machine ID.
Thats in the advanced settings when you config the client.
Then your good to go.

That way you can just swop the both folders between the boxen and keep folding both of them at full speed.

At the moment you can run 8 CPU clients (use machine ID's 1-8) & 8 GPU clients (use machine ID's 9-16) off 1 user ID.

Luck ............... :D
Ok, I'm trying that. I'll let you know if it works.

Yay! It worked! Thanks a LOT. It's things like this that make me like this forum, people always willing to help.

One more GHz folding now. Again, thank you very very much.

Ha, and currently all of my CPU boxen are working on 2124s...dang. Oh well. Thanks!