Running Ping -t to google - getting "general failure" - ideas?


Dec 16, 2010
This happened a few months back when Modern Warfare came out - I'd be playing, doing well and then my ping would start freaking out and giving me "general failure" for a couple pings in a row, then regular for a few, then failure again.

It's been fine for 3 months and now it's back - any ideas?


Using 300Mbit Cable, a high end router and I'm all 1GbE...
Do you get the same result if you ping your router?

Also another thing to test is, try pinging your modem (usually Can also login to router and see default gateway on it and try pinging that.
Do you get the same result if you ping your router?

Also another thing to test is, try pinging your modem (usually Can also login to router and see default gateway on it and try pinging that.

I was able to access the router, but didn't run an internal ping to it.

This happened regularly back in November and with Modern Warfare being peer-to-peer, I always wondered if it was an attack of some kind.

It hasn't come back but that's a good idea to try to isolate the source - thanks.
Google says it has something to do with windows preferring ipv6 as opposed to ipv4, might wanna check that out. I think I turned off ipv6 entirely on my machine

That or some other software that can interfere with traffic
You need to figure out where you are dropping packets. Nothing else is relevant until then and trying random "fixes" until you determine this is just going to add variables.

Step 1 would be determining if the problem is inside or outside your local network. While you are pinging an internet target (google DNS is my goto) open a second terminal window and ping your gateway/router. If you only see the problem outside the network then add a second internet target and see if both targets drop packets or just the one. Ping isn't a guaranteed response even from properly functioning hosts but multiple hosts showing an issue simultaneously is a sign of trouble.

If the problem is inside your network then try wired vs wireless, swap patch cables, bypass switches, etc until you find your culprit.