Running two DVI + S-video simultaneously


Aug 8, 2003
Hello everyone,

I've had the same 7600GT for a while now. Since I've not been doing much gaming, I've not really felt the need to upgrade. However, I now have two LCDs plugged in via DVI, and my crappy SD-TV is plugged in via S-video. The trouble is that the card only can output to two devices at the same time, but I'd like to run all three, and I'm constantly switching between which pair of devices I'd like to operate.

My question is: what's the best way to run all three at the same time? Buy a cheap nvidia-based PCI card and use it in addition the 7600GT? Or buy a newer video card? I wouldn't mind either solution. Perhaps the ideal card would include: two DVI, S-video, support for HDCP/HDMI so I can upgrade my TV in the future, and allow all three display to run simultaneously. Is there such a thing?

I can't get the 7600 to output to S-Video and DVI simultaneously. Is there a setting I need to adjust?

Assuming you have the nvidia drivers installed, you should just be able to:
- right click your desktop
- open nvidia control panel
- "set up multiple displays"
There is only one radio button there which says "Only use one display." No choice for Clone or DualView, etc. Must be because it is not recognizing the other output and connection.

I'll check my connections.