S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha frozen


Mar 6, 2010
For the Stalker fans who was waiting for the mod Lost alpha to come out, it looks like it may go unfinished.

From the site: http://www.dezowave.com/

Lost Alpha project is frozen for indefinite time. We are sorry for any inconviences, but we can’t finish project till august in time.

1. We totaly lack all cooperation within the team

2. Some members have left us or are missing due to real life issues

3. Sadly, but we have lost interest in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe.

We will try to release what we have done till this moment in august, but it’s definatly won’t be full version. Most likely an unfinished buggy build.

Thanks to all fans who supported us and expected this mod to be released as was planned… but all dreams one day come to an end..

Hopefully the Stalker community will pick up where they left off and help finish the mod. 5 years of development is alot to just walk away from. Stalker 2 now this, sigh.... i hope its just a sick joke.
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The good news is I hear the Black Mesa Source team is taking over the project!
This sucks,first STALKER 2 gets cancelled,and now no Lost Alpha? Why the hell would they stop now when so much was already done? I'm getting the feeling there's more to this than "lost of interest".
Seeing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. acronymn around just pisses me the fuck off now. So much disappointment around those seven letters lately.
I wonder if Sergiy Grygorovych had a hand in this? I don't know if it's mismanagement,greed,or maybe both,but he's seemed to single handledly killed one of the best franchises in gaming. First he cancels STALKER 2 and closes GSC,then denies the development team,who wanted to finish the game on their own,permission to use the license. Now the most anticipated mod suddenly gets squashed when it was apparently close to being finished. Something isn't right here,wish someone would just buy the rights to the STALKER franchise and get it going again.
THQ would probably be the best publisher to acquire the franchise given 4A Games has a lot of ex-STALKER developers and THQ published ShoC, but the company has the problem of being extremely broke.
Who knows, someone might just pick this up and create a Kickstarter for it. :p

Given the number of fans of the game they'd probably reach the goal easily. The problem is once it becomes a commercial effort for profit,they'd have to obtain the license for the property.
Given the number of fans of the game they'd probably reach the goal easily. The problem is once it becomes a commercial effort for profit,they'd have to obtain the license for the property.

And obtaining a license would be a very expensive thing for fan's to fund. I have serious doubts that the fans through Kickstarter could raise enough money to buy it. The license is not going to come cheap.
Someone in their group might have jumped the gun and created a false exigency. After reading through some of the posts on mod db it appears that their project manager left for a short period of time and their lead programmer left indefinitely. I believe the project lead is back (or vice versa, can't remember) and things are moving along slowly. Worst case scenarios I saw from members of the team was a beta release in August or additional time in development (maybe 6 months or so). There certainly seems to be confusion within the team, and I'm not entirely sure the post in question was worded properly or with the consent of the whole team. I don't want to create a false sense relief, but it looks like it will be sorted out at some point, according to dezodor over at mod db. I don't believe the project can be kickstarted without acquiring a prohibitively expensive license, but it looks like you can donate at the dezowave.com website (which is down at the moment) but I'm going to wait until this all gets sorted and we have an official statement.

Edit: From dezodor over at Mod db:

"Project is not frozen, or closed, until we finish it, we always had problems, but who not? Our lead programmer is off for some reason, and we have some engine bugs, and some other members are not sure when the programmer will come back, or even if he will. Thats the story, till then we work on other things."

Conflicting statement regarding the "frozen" status, to me at least, a project on hold indefinitely is "frozen", at least temporarily. They may be in the market for a new programmer, any programmers here at [H]?
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Loxotron one of the designers that apparently froze the project posted:
Problem is that as game designer i see full picture of what we are doing, should do and can do during left time with such speed as we have now.. we totaly lost control over project and i don't think we will be able to finish it in time even with cutted features. it's still not group decision, because we even can't reach all our team members at this moment.

Dezoder the main designer posted to the fans:
Project is not frozen, or closed, until we finish it, we always had problems, but who not? Our lead programmer is off for some reason, and we have some engine bugs, and some other members are not sure when the programmer will come back, or even if he will. Thats the story, till then we work on other things.

Dezoder replied back to Loxotron:
you always worry too much :) since gsc has no interest in la, we dont need to hurry that fast, as we planned. still, i think we can finsish the last map and test the game till end of q3, as we planned.

Sounds like we will still get the mod it just might be delayed some or with cut content. I hope they dont cut anything just to make it to the deadline. I could wait as long as it takes to have it 100% done.
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hope this gets finished up one way or another. i was really looking forward to Lost Alpha.
hope this gets finished up one way or another. i was really looking forward to Lost Alpha.

Agreed. Thankfully they do have a cool headed leader thats not getting excited and giving up. I checked the site and that post Loxotron had on there about Lost Alpha being frozen is gone, all good things.
I wasn't disappointed when I heard S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 got cancelled. I was disappointed the day I heard it was going to be a cross-platform abomination.

I think that decision was another example of Grygorovych's greed,STALKER was doing fine on the PC,but he wanted to cash in on the console market. If the development team had their way,they probably would have chosen to stay with the PC only route,trying to develop a game like STALKER to run on antiquated consoles probably caused the problems that sunk the game.
I really hope LA does get finished,I have no problem waiting a bit longer,the STALKER property is too good with so much potential not to continue in some form.
I think that decision was another example of Grygorovych's greed,STALKER was doing fine on the PC,but he wanted to cash in on the console market. If the development team had their way,they probably would have chosen to stay with the PC only route,trying to develop a game like STALKER to run on antiquated consoles probably caused the problems that sunk the game.
Yeah, I think you could be spot on, perhaps the team got angry and would have none of it, they didn't want to compromise and they didn't want to cater to the console (word omitted) crowd/market which caused major riffs within the studio.

It would also have been interesting to see what more the X-ray Engine was capable of, the way it handles lighting effects are just great.

I really hope LA does get finished,I have no problem waiting a bit longer,the STALKER property is too good with so much potential not to continue in some form.
I hope they finish the mod also, all that work for nothing if they don't.