S-video (i posted in the video c. forum no response!)

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Limp Gawd
Mar 30, 2005
I managed to hook up my laptop to my tv using S-video, it worked without a problem
i tried to do the same thing using my desktop, it could not work.......
what might be the problem ?

my laptop uses radeon x1600
my desktop uses 9800pro
latest catalyst drivers on both,

all windows updates and patches........


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(i posted in the video c. forum no response!)

...then the right thing to do is PM a mod and ask them to move your thread for you. Spamming the forums with multiple threads on the same topic is frowned on....and, against the rules.

Thanks - B.B.S.
make sure you are using the right resolution, like 640x480, 800x600, or 1024x768.. all at 60hz. Then enable your tv output in your control panel for the card.
thats what i did,
i messed with all settings, i got it working on three laptops with no problem, except for the desktop which uses the 9800pro, i'm using the laptop s-video cable bacause i lost the one for 9800pro, i assumed there is no difference between them despite the age difference, right?
I believe you have to enable that output before it will function.

I think you can get to that checkbox from the ATI utility.
i fixed it, bought a different cable and it worked, seems that not all 7-pin s-video cabe are the same,

thanks for the input ...
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