Safe distance from PC for a non-magnetically shielded subwoofer?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2008
Hey guys,

I just realized my subwoofer is not magnetically shielded, and its about a foot away from my desktop. So far I haven't had any troubles, but just to be safe, how far away do you think it should be from my PC? Would it even affect my desktop at this distance (1 foot)?

I'm confused by this because some people say it is unsafe for it to be so close, but others say that hard drive magnets are pretty strong, and sit extremely close to the platters, so for the hard drive to be affected, the external magnet (subwoofer) would have to be really really strong?

Can anyone clear this up for me?

Oh, and this is my subwoofer.

One foot is plenty of distance from your computer. You're safe :) Now if it was 1 foot away from your lcd monitor, that's a different story depending on a couple of factors :p
One foot is plenty of distance from your computer. You're safe :) Now if it was 1 foot away from your lcd monitor, that's a different story depending on a couple of factors :p

I thought LCD monitors weren't affected by magnets? Only CRTs?