Safe to use robocopy to copy into WHS shares locally?


Jul 16, 2003
Got my rebuild up, slow on transferring all the data back into the storage pool

Would robocopy be okay to use? and if so, would it increase transfer rate?

Drives are all 7200rpm satII on AOC-SASLP-MV8, or evga 122-CK-NF68-A1 sata ports

haven't used RoboCopy myself, been using RichCopy (which is basically RoboCopy + GUI from what I've read).

it will be fast, as it uses more than 1 connection. Plus, if a file happens to fail copying for whatever reason, the job doesn't completely stop just to start it over.

I don't see why it wouldn't be safe to use, but haven't gotten into WHS yet myself.
As long as you use the network/unc path locally on your WHS it shouldn't matter how the data is copied

Don't use D:\whatever\myshare use \\servername\myshare
A caveat here. I used Teracopy to copy all my data over from my main server to my backup. It was WAY faster than Synctoy. The problem, it almost "copied too fast" and I got a lot of crap and bad files, etc. I then used Synctoy and it worked ok. Just a little FYI is all, and it could have been an isolated incident with Teracopy and my servers. I have no problems using Teracopy to move large files, but I guess 4 Tb was asking too much ;) Plus it was a LOT of files, so IDK, just a heads up is all.

DE, besides having the ability to show the data drives as one single volume, (ab)uses the NTFS symbolic links capability.

A symbolic link is like a shortcut. It tells the OS "hey, this file seems to be here, but in fact it's over there, on that other drive". That's how DE can move files around drives and still manage to keep track of everything: it just needs to update the symbolic links when anything gets moved around.

If you query a symbolic link, it will appear to be the original file for all purposes, but the original file might not even be hosted on that machine (yes, theoretically NTFS allows for symbolic links over network shares, and there are even network services that make use of this capability).

That's why when browsing through the D:\ drive you "see double".

Also there used to be a problem with setting folder security permissions for file access when the UNC path was not used.

There is no performance loss from using UNC paths. Its not like the data is leaving the computer and going out on your lan and then coming back in. It all happens internally.