Saints Row 4

I will be getting a copy of this in the mail, and a second copy from Best Buy (got a certificate for $35 off) so my wife and I can play co-op.
Looking forward to this game, though here in Australia we have to wait another month because apparently this game was "too offensive" according to the Australian government and Volition has to develop a censored version to comply with Australia's retarded regulations... you think that they introduced a R18+ classification for games and this shit is still happening....

But whatever, I will be buying this game overseas and activate it on Steam, fuck buying the censored version plus I can get the full uncensored version cheaper. Just hope when I do that I don't have to wait a full month to play this game.
Looking forward to this game, though here in Australia we have to wait another month because apparently this game was "too offensive" according to the Australian government and Volition has to develop a censored version to comply with Australia's retarded regulations... you think that they introduced a R18+ classification for games and this shit is still happening....

But whatever, I will be buying this game overseas and activate it on Steam, fuck buying the censored version plus I can get the full uncensored version cheaper. Just hope when I do that I don't have to wait a full month to play this game.

A censored version of a lewd game. Sense.

Get the goriest most fucked up version imo.
I've played for about two hours so far and have found it to be pretty much SR3 on acid with the powers. Not that is bad thing. I have enjoyed everything so far, except for a movement glitch during the initial White House scene that forced me to restart from a checkpoint.
Not the end of the world but the game reads that I have a Saints Row ID and a character from third game ready to go. (Correct) It calls up the correct screen name for the account.

I've long since misplaced my password for that thing so when I go to the site and do the "forgot password" procedure...which I've done several times in the last few days starting on the Inauguration Station...nothing ever happens.

I wouldn't mind continuing with my original character ideally but it's not looking very likely unless someone has a tip here for me.


Apparently a known issue.
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Kind of regretting that I didn't pre-order. Somehow doubt that Volition's new benefactors are going to have such generous sales so soon after release as THQ used to.

Character import bugs notwithstanding, game any good?
Kind of regretting that I didn't pre-order. Somehow doubt that Volition's new benefactors are going to have such generous sales so soon after release as THQ used to.

Character import bugs notwithstanding, game any good?

It's fucking awesome, exceeded my expectations in pretty much every capacity. With the powerups, SR4 reminds me a lot of Crackdown (which is my one of favorite console games of all time). So far SR4 is definitely worth the $40 investment
Have to ask since I missed the little tip... how do I drop alien notoriety?
Kind of regretting that I didn't pre-order. Somehow doubt that Volition's new benefactors are going to have such generous sales so soon after release as THQ used to.

Character import bugs notwithstanding, game any good?

deepsilver seems like a good company and not afraid of sales
I played for quite a while last night, it was hard to put down. I'm looking forward to getting home from work today to get some more in!
Really good game so far. Needs a patch to clean up some bugs like spawning custom created cars messes up the UI to the point that I have to close it in the task manager. 11.8 hours in according to Steam and haven't done a single main story mission yet. :) The side quests are too interesting!

Oh and I have collected over 400 of those things to level up your super powers. Little over 800 more to go!
It is basically Saint's Row 3 with the best parts of Prototype added in, with even more zaniness. It's great.
I pre-ordered the game a month ago since I like all of the SR games. When I was watching a gameplay video and saw how close some ties to Crackdown were, I knew I was going to be hooked. I didn't get a chance to play it last night but I will definitely be playing now.
From what i've seen, its a "must-buy"...but not until it gets all its DLC + is on Sale on steam.
My only problem with this game is that you eventually get to the point where you only need to use Super powers as any other option is silly. You dont even need to use weapons/vehicles. Does this bother anyone else?
My only problem with this game is that you eventually get to the point where you only need to use Super powers as any other option is silly. You dont even need to use weapons/vehicles. Does this bother anyone else?

It bothered TotalBiscuit...that was his main gripe with the game.
My only problem with this game is that you eventually get to the point where you only need to use Super powers as any other option is silly. You dont even need to use weapons/vehicles. Does this bother anyone else?

Not really. You need to invest heavily into your weapons before they become as powerful as your powers, but that's kind of how they were in SR3. I still prefer having the option, and I think that's why I didn't care to play Prototype for too long.
This game is so much fun. I'm amazed at how chock-full it is of references and comic gold. The super powers are a ton of fun.

Exceptionally happy I bought this day 1. It's an excellent zany romp.
My only problem with this game is that you eventually get to the point where you only need to use Super powers as any other option is silly. You dont even need to use weapons/vehicles. Does this bother anyone else?

It doesn't bother me because it is something new to me. I actually got tired of always having to rely on vehicles and weapons after playing the gtas, sr2 and 3.
I am enjoying this game in co-op... it is the first game I preordered since BF3.
I kinda enjoyed SR3 -- it will never replace GTA (really looking for GTA5)

the whole superpowers thing is a bit of a turnoff to me -- I like over the top fun, but the aliens/superpowers thing just doens't make me feel like I'm running around a "real" city causing all sorts of mayhem.

Between BF4, and (hopefully) GTA5 this fall I'll be too busy for too much else.

No, SR3 won't replace GTA but if they would have put multiplayer in Sleeping Dogs, it would have kicked the shit out of the GTA series. Hell, not only do the graphics look better in Sleeping Dogs, the game even runs faster. GTA IV is fun, but let's be has a laundry list of bugs, poor performance, and some of the worst in-game menus I've ever seen.

GTA V better deliver, or I'm probably gonna be done with the entire series.
Anyone know how to drop alien notoriety?

If you do the main quest you are eventually get one where you have to chase a glowing ball around. It drops your notoriety to zero and you can chase it whenever it spawns. Otherwise I just do a side quest like the waves of enemies one and afterwards your notoriety is zero.

Personally I like running around with high notoriety. Makes the elites spawn.

My only problem with this game is that you eventually get to the point where you only need to use Super powers as any other option is silly. You dont even need to use weapons/vehicles. Does this bother anyone else?

Driving is fun and the weapons feel robust. Of course you can spam melee kill everything if you want, but it's your choice to do so. Likewise you can leap everywhere or drive. The using guns option works just as effectively if you spend money on upgrading them. Personally for me a combination of powers and gun play seems like the most fun so far.

Just so many weapons to upgrade and I keep customizing cars!
I played a lot last night and got most of the beginning powers and the dubstep gun all filled in. I am curious what more powers we are going to see. I see a lot of free space in the Powers section. I am trying to do quests (not sure why they are called quests instead of missions) but I keep seeing more clusters on roof tops and I make a bee line to those. I am still waiting for the power to slam down on the ground. The wall running power is a big boon to getting to clusters on top of buildings with roof lines.
The roof lines clip too much otherwise. They did not do a very good job with invisible barriers. The Wall running power takes care of so not a huge deal.
Why does it suck? Its exactly like Saint Row 3

Yeah, it sucked in that game too.

The checkpoint system only works if you die and need to restart. If I want to quit the game during a mission and go back, I have to start all over. That is lame. It should start from the last checkpoint during the mission.

And the manually save option just saves at the beginning of each mission. So that is no help.

Its Volition, so I shouldn't be surprised, but come on get with the times. It isn't the dark ages anymore.
Yeah, it sucked in that game too.

The checkpoint system only works if you die and need to restart. If I want to quit the game during a mission and go back, I have to start all over. That is lame. It should start from the last checkpoint during the mission.

And the manually save option just saves at the beginning of each mission. So that is no help.

Its Volition, so I shouldn't be surprised, but come on get with the times. It isn't the dark ages anymore.

I agree. Maybe it has something to do with co-op?
Yeah, it sucked in that game too.

The checkpoint system only works if you die and need to restart. If I want to quit the game during a mission and go back, I have to start all over. That is lame. It should start from the last checkpoint during the mission.

And the manually save option just saves at the beginning of each mission. So that is no help.

Its Volition, so I shouldn't be surprised, but come on get with the times. It isn't the dark ages anymore.

That's nothing. In lots of the games i play, if you die then you not only get kicked back to the title screen, but you also have to start a new game. Sr3 was so easy i didn't die one time threw the entire game. Dieing in videogames should punish you a bit to keep things exciting.
Anyone know how to access the Presidential Pack DLC (Gamestop Pre-order) which supposedly allows you to play as Obama / Abe / Bush / etc?
