Saltwater micro tank FS:DFW area only $200


Sep 12, 2000
You come pick it up in Richardson.
The tank is currently up and running. It is a Fluval Edge 6 gallon tank with 6-7 lbs of live sand, 7ish pounds of live rock, some assorted snail, a Peppermint Shrimp and a damsel named Livingston. I've removed the stock light bar and put an LED strip on top of the tank. Also have a corallife dual fixture unit for it, but one of the bulbs is burnt out and I don't want to spend the money to replace it as I'm getting rid of the whole setup. It will also come with 2 5g jugs of saltwater from the LFS. I have the original light bar with some blue LED mods i did. $150 for everything.
It's currently not pretty as I haven't spent the time to properly maintain it and with a pending move in the future I don't want to move it to a new house.



Edit: priced a little to high
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