Samba across subnets


Jun 1, 2002
howdy-- i wasn't sure if i should post this under networking or lunix/bsd

I've been using a samba fileserver, and it's been working fine. I've had to change my network topology after I got setup with a new internet connection. When I did this, I created a PPTP tunnel with my wireless network (which i'm using now) instead of utilizing wep encryption, but because I'm on a different subnet than my samba box, I can attempt to connect to the server, but it won't completely authenticate. I realized that I needed a WINS server to help with the routed-traffic and samba, but it still isn't working. The firewall is allowing all traffic across, but I still receive no interface with the server. Running TCPDump on the interface i'm attempting to connect to doesn't show any datagrams or netbios i'm at a loss

is there something i'm missing?

dns proxy = no
unix password sync = yes
comment = m0undsnet
netbios name = SERVER
map to guest = badpassword
password level = 0
null passwords = no
os level = 0
preferred master = yes
domain master = no
wins support = yes
dead time = 0
debug level = 0

comment = Home Directories
browseable = yes
writable = yes
available = yes
public = no
only user = no

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/Samba
browseable = yes
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
guest ok = no
printable = yes

available = yes
browseable = yes
path = /home/share
public = yes
guest ok = no
writable = yes
username = root, chris, administrator, m0unds, catherine, brynn
only user = yes
admin users = root, administrator

Similar configuration for all shares, depending on materials containted
hokatichenci said:
Did you try accessing SMB by the IP and not by the NetBIOS name?

that's the only way i ever do it. my other users use the netbios name. it doesn't work either way.

entering the IP, followed by the share name (in this instance: \\\share) brings up a login screen, as it would, and when i enter the password, the login just comes back up with the typical windows IP\username crap.
m0unds said:
that's the only way i ever do it. my other users use the netbios name. it doesn't work either way.

entering the IP, followed by the share name (in this instance: \\\share) brings up a login screen, as it would, and when i enter the password, the login just comes back up with the typical windows IP\username crap.

Try to allow public access and see if you can access it. We want to make sure its not a case of authentication problem.
the one defined as "Share" in the config i posted is configured as public already because i thought it would make a difference. I think it might be a problem with the udp broadcasts from smb not reaching the separate subnet my wireless network lives on.. i changed the broadcast address to that of the endpoint of the wireless subnet, but to no avail.