Same browser version, same page, different display


Oct 7, 2003
I'm viewing a web page in IE6. It looks correct and prints nicely on one page on several different machines.

However on one specific computer (also IE6) everything looks bigger as if the CSS isn't being honored. When I go to print from that computer it can't fit everything on one page.

Here are a few things I checked:
View -> Text Size - both set to Medium
Margins - same on both
Internet Options -> Accessibility - nothing checked
Internet Options -> Advanced -> Enable Visual Styles - checked on both
Both computers are running Windows XP SP2 and IE6.

I'm stumped. What other setting on the browser could be interferring with the page's look?

(unfortunately I can't change browsers so that's out of the question)

Thanks in advance.
have you tried Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > IE w/ no addons ?

i use IE7, so I'm not sure if it is there or not...but worth a look. if it is there and it displays correctly, I'd say there is an errant addon that you should look at.
Are the other text on that computer enlarged as well? The DPI settings might have been changed if they are. Check under Display Properties -> Settings -> click advanced -> General.
When you say the same you mean you checked Help-->About and it's exactly the same build of IE6? My understanding is that a few builds are out there, wreaking havoc on the world. :)
Thank you for your responses.

Fark, I believe IE w/ no addons was only added in IE7. The other text on the computer seemed normal and guessing from how these computers were all deployed I'd imagine they're the exact same build.

However I don't have access to that PC today and I'm not 100% positive on any of the three counts. So I'm going to investigate those suggestions tomorrow. Hopefully one of them solves it.
Is the server compressing content? There's been some problems with IE and that. What happens is that files (like css and js) get 'cut off' at more or less random points.