Samsung 213T vs. Dell 2001fp


Apr 5, 2000
I have an opportunity here that I'm not sure I should take...

I own a Samsung 213T and my only complaint with it is that it's a little slow for FPS games. I spend half my computer time in games, and the other half in 2D stuff (web browsing, word processing, image editing, etc). I have a friend who wants to buy a 20"+ LCD and will not be playing games, so I have the opportunity to get them to buy the Dell 2001fp and trade with them so I get it.

My question is, now that I'm used to the 213T, will the 2001fp be an upgrade or not? I'm guessing the 213T is better at still images, but I have no evidence to back this up. Also, the 213T is over an inch bigger (same res. though). I'd really like to be able to see one before buying it (P.S. Anybody in/near Victoria, BC, Canada who owns one or the Viewsonic equivalent want to let me come see it?)

Maybe it's worth seeing what Samsung comes out with to replace the 213T. Any thoughts?
Of course this is only opinion, but. I had the Dell and liked it a lot, right up until it broke. At that time several people were having the same issues, screen door on part of the screen, really bad back light leakage etc. It did game well but no better then my Envision 9110.

Sent the Dell back and bought the 213T and have never looked back. Games are as good as LCDs get IMHO and the internal driver section of the Samsung is way superior. Color calibration is easier and once done is dead on.

I'm not a live at my compter gamer but I do game and hate ghosting..not enough on the Samsung to matter to me. The Dell was about the same.

If you read down the forum over the past 2 days there is a Dell post of people having problems again.

Like I said, just one more opinion :D
So you're saying that the ghosting on the Dell and the 213T are about the same? That being the only advantage I was looking for on the Dell, I should just stick with the 213T?

I'm currently using 213T as well. Ghosting (response time) isn't bad, IMO. I play many FPS games as well.

But I'm considering on replacing it with one of 23~24" ones 1920x1200 widescreen gaming beauty! :D (Apple, Sony, Samsung, HP, BenQ... many choices).