Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

the only best buy i had ever had problems with in Los Angeles (not minnesota) sold me a seaget hard drive with a dusty hd chassis and platters inside, it was like some sick joke, it was even sealed in an anti-static bag.

the plastic wrap looked a little gluey and suspicous but the dorkus with a spongebob sticker on his nametag said it was cool to buy and it was brand new. Of course the snooty returns lady said "how do i know YOU didnt just put that in there", despite the other guys testimony that it did look fishy and i noted that and he said it was ok anyway. Of course not even caring that anyone in my position surely has to open the damn box to see there's crap in it, almost as if it was my fault i opened the box to find out i didnt get what i payed for inside, so thusly no one would beleive it was in there in the first was very annoying and lame.

anyhow, back to the panel discussion, where did this sudden knowledge of the "s" and stuff come from? i didnt see any posts or anything here really describing that, how did people suddenly know this stuff?

what letter is there if it isn't samsung made? has anyone even gotten a non-samsung yet to confirm this? is the rumor is that it's going to be like a lottery (which sounds morel ike dell not samsung, whome indeed makes their own in house panels anyhow) or are they just going to totally switch over after the first batch?
anyhow, back to the panel discussion, where did this sudden knowledge of the "s" and stuff come from? i didnt see any posts or anything here really describing that, how did people suddenly know this stuff?

what letter is there if it isn't samsung made? has anyone even gotten a non-samsung yet to confirm this? is the rumor is that it's going to be like a lottery (which sounds morel ike dell not samsung, whome indeed makes their own in house panels anyhow) or are they just going to totally switch over after the first batch?

As noted earlier it's from this thread:

All I know is what TestRossa posted but he/she seems nice enough to answer if you have questions.
Today i decided to go to circuit city and buy the sammy 226BW.I bought it and when i got home you wont believe what i found inside!All the correct assesories except for the display and stand.I opened to see a 14" flat panel by KDS.I was shocked!!!I returned to cc as soon as i can and having problems exchanging it.They said i would have to talk with a higher up in the mourning.Im thinking that they think i switched montitors(which i didnt do and trying to make a fast buck.I have enough in my checking account to buy 20 of those sammys if i wanted too.I didnt tell them that!ill wait till i see them in the mourning.Has this ever happened to anyone out there?and do you think i got a good chance of the exchange.Im venting abit!wasnt a good day.PS! the box didnt look like it was ever opened.
New Info!! The monitor include was 2002 model from KDS!Im guessing someone else wanted a sammy 226BW.

Now when I hit up CC to buy this, I am bringing my Husky box cutter and opening it right in front of them to make sure it's the right LCD.
I have this monitor ordered from It was due to be in stock on 16 Feb but ths has been changed to 1 Mar.
Has everybody in the UK who's got one so far, got a Samsung panel rather than the AOC one?
How long is the supplied DVI cable? If it's not at least 3m, I need to get a new one as my box is a ways from where I sit.
Thanks for the replys!Im hoping for good results today on the exchange.I dont like to make waves!but as a last resort i will call the 3 network tv stations here in Ct and see if the would like a story.Im really hoping it dosnt have to come to that.
Hi, I'm new to the website. I'm actually plan on buying 226bw, I was wondering have anyone have experience with purchasing?

Hope I can hear feedback
you quoted a post talking about the difference between the 206 and 226 and you said you had the exact same setup, so i figured that was what you meant, not having it compared to the Viewsonic 20" which is a different monitor anyhow.

and no i wasnt the one who asked about the 22 vs the 20, and they are not stretched either.

again though, comparing the viewsonic 2025 to the samsung 226 in terms of the "dot pitch detail" isn't as really as good as comparing the two identical monitors.

Spincut your confusing as all get out. :confused: Go back to page 15 and 16 and tell me you weren't the one that was curious about the 226bw and vx2025 compared. You even said something about wishing I had a camera to take a picture and I went and blew 30 mins because I was trying to be helpful for you! Better yet here is the link to the page

As for stretching someone did say that the 22" is just a stretched 20" and the pixels are not as tight. Im not going back in the thread to find it. Personally I don't care if its stretched or not I like the 226bw. Thats the point I was getting across in my posts.

Geesh, then you start picking on my post about the "S" not on box. I went to the effort again to assist some of those in the thread curious about whether a letter was on the box.

I'm done with this thread. If I confused anyone with my posts I apologize.

A final note. I've decided to keep my 226bw and not return it. Good luck with whatever everyone decides.
Happened to a 45 years old boss at a local sugar facility. Bought a big ass tv, and there was a lil piece of shit tv inside. It was all sealed. Probably happened at the tv facility....

They did not believe him, so he told the manager he would call the police because they stole his money. They exchanged it.
I'm a bit confused as other threads in this forum note there may only be 2 TN panel manufacturers for most 22 "consumer displays, principally Chimei and Samsung. Does anyone know if AOC panel is a 3rd type and if so if its quality parallels Samsung? I don't want to purchase the LCD for a month or so awaiting new rig so won't obsess if the AOC is equivalent. Anyone seen one to test and upload some images? Although it does offend me in principle that they would put out one model for reviews then switch, is this "much ado about nothing" as the bard might say?
Jesus freaking christ Samsung, that's low. They released the monitor with a great panel to get good impressions on the press and forums and now they sell the new models with an inferior cheaper panel to cut costs. Problem is I want to buy the monitor from an online shop and I can't check if it's has a Samsung panel or an AUO one. Maybe I should just wait a few months more for new generation monitors because my decision to buy 226BW gets more difficulut every day. First it was the lack of 1:1 pm now it's the crappy AUO panel.
I picked up a 206BW at CC a few days ago. Overall, I'm very happy with it. I had to tone down the brightness out-of-the-box and the MagicColor feature makes my blues look almost purple so I leave that feature turned off (might be able to tweak the settings, haven't tried). If I had to say anything negative, that's all I can come up with at this point. These are basically non-issues.

The colors are vibrant, the text is crisp. I do a lot of coding so I'm usually sitting two nose-lengths from the screen. That's why I went for the 20'' rather than 22''. This is my first widescreen monitor and, now that I have one, I'm not sure how I've gone without one for so long. No more clutter!!

With that being said, I have the dreaded(?) "A"-stamp indicating an AOC panel. I almost don't want to know why these are considered inferior because I'm really happy with my purchase. (Kind of like how I didn't notice DLP rainbows until I read a post on how to see them!!)
I'm a bit confused as other threads in this forum note there may only be 2 TN panel manufacturers for most 22 "consumer displays, principally Chimei and Samsung. Does anyone know if AOC panel is a 3rd type and if so if its quality parallels Samsung? I don't want to purchase the LCD for a month or so awaiting new rig so won't obsess if the AOC is equivalent. Anyone seen one to test and upload some images? Although it does offend me in principle that they would put out one model for reviews then switch, is this "much ado about nothing" as the bard might say?

If you believe some of the review/comparisons out there (I cannot find the link right now, but it was posted several weeks ago on this thread), the panel that is in nearly all 22" widescreen monitors on the market today is actually made by AUO (including the Samsung 225BW, interestingly enough, as well as the new LG L226WT it seems). The other main competitor is Chi Mei, who has a panel that is identical in specs to the AUO one. I do not know of a confirmable report of a monitor that has this panel in it, but presumably Chi Mei and Westinghouse (who owns part of Chi Mei) monitors would have the Chi Mei panel (note that we do not know for sure, only that it seems probable).

I have seen the Westinghouse one at Best Buy and it looks similar to the 225BW and the L226WT. Therefore, one would conclude that the Chi Mei and AUO panels are similar to one another (again, assuming that the Westinghouse uses the Chi Mei).

The 226BW is the only monitor on the market that is known to have the new 22" TN panel by Samsung, a panel that is notably superior to the AUO panel (and probably the Chi Mei one). So if Samsung is putting AUO panels in some of their 226BWs, that would make for a pretty big difference in image quality if you were unlucky enough to get one of them.

This is why people are checking the "S" vs. the "A" at the end of the model number on the sticker in the back of the monitor (spincut, are you paying attention?), since a Chinese website shows the 226BW that ends in "A" as having an AUO panel in it. So far, everyone in the U.S. has gotten an "S" panel, which is good news.

So to summarize: AUO is the largest supplier of 22" panels, the second supplier is Chi Mei, and then comes Samsung whose panel has only been sighted in the 226BW.

As for stretching someone did say that the 22" is just a stretched 20" and the pixels are not as tight. Im not going back in the thread to find it. Personally I don't care if its stretched or not I like the 226bw. Thats the point I was getting across in my posts.

Correct. Both the 20" and the 22" have the same number of pixels. This means that the size of the pixels is larger on the 22" than the 20". The "size" of pixels is traditionally measured as the dot pitch (this dates back to the CRT days) which is defined as the distance between the centers of neighboring pixels. This measurements is actually the sum of the pixel size plus the gap between the pixels. In practice, with LCDs that gap between pixels is usually pretty small and does not vary much with screen size, so the size of the pixels increases roughly with the dot pitch. According to manufacturer specs, the dot pitch of a 1680x1050 pixels 22" monitor is 0.282 mm vs. 0.258 mm for a 1680x1050 pixel 20" monitor (With CRTs, there was some abiguity whether the dot pitch was measured horizontally or diagonally...with LCDs there seems to be a convention, but I don't know if the convention is horizontal or diagonal).

Which size of monitor you prefer is totally up to your own personal preference. I am drawn towards a 22" just because of the way that my desk is configured, my monitor sits about 3-4 feet away from my eyes (which I am told is a better for my eyes, anyhow). A 20" monitor looks a little small, whereas the 22" seems about right. But if you have your monitor very close to your head and can easily see all detail in the 20", then getting the 22" might not gain you anything.

Geesh, then you start picking on my post about the "S" not on box. I went to the effort again to assist some of those in the thread curious about whether a letter was on the box.

I'm done with this thread. If I confused anyone with my posts I apologize.

samduhman, thank you so much for taking the time to share you knowledge and experience with the 226BW on this thread! I am sorry that a minority of annoying people had to drive you away. I certainly appreciate your contributions and I think that most of the readers of this thread feel the same way.

Spincut your confusing as all get out. :confused: Go back to page 15 and 16 and tell me you weren't the one that was curious about the 226bw and vx2025 compared. You even said something about wishing I had a camera to take a picture and I went and blew 30 mins because I was trying to be helpful for you! Better yet here is the link to the page

As for stretching someone did say that the 22" is just a stretched 20" and the pixels are not as tight. Im not going back in the thread to find it. Personally I don't care if its stretched or not I like the 226bw. Thats the point I was getting across in my posts.

Geesh, then you start picking on my post about the "S" not on box. I went to the effort again to assist some of those in the thread curious about whether a letter was on the box.

I'm done with this thread. If I confused anyone with my posts I apologize.

A final note. I've decided to keep my 226bw and not return it. Good luck with whatever everyone decides.

like i said before, you quoted a post about the 206 and 226 and said you had the exact same setup and went into talking about the 226 and VX2025, THAT IS CONFUSING OK!? and i dont need to go back to page 15 or 16 to see if i was the one asking about the VX2025, IT WAS ME, I NEVER SAID IT WASN'T. you can look RIGHT DOWN the last page at the post you are oddly reffering to and see that i said i wasnt the one who originally asked about stretching, that's all, so i dont know where you're getting this from, you indeed must be confused. not sure why you'd flip out about it though.

yes i did want to know about the difference between those two, but you had already talked about that, i think you're mixing my posts up with someone elses. it's too bad we'll never see those pictures you claim to have taken now that you're leaving, i guess we'll just have to wait for the american/english reviews and comparisons, but if your self made aggrivation dies down a little maybe you'll still feel like posting them now that you seemingly have them.

and i wasnt PICKING on your post about the letter, sheesh. i actually wanted to know where that came from since testrossas information post about it was elsewhere and i had no idea what you were reffering to, as another more patient user explained by supplying a link to it.

--oh and janski those pictures were very good, widescreengamingforum generally puts out good evalutations (yeah i know it was you who did it though). good to see how good the monitor looks at pretty much every viewing angle except below.
Has anyone whose bought one of these from circuit city recieved the AOC panel.. I'm planning on driving from Toronto to Buffalo to pick two of these panels up....
Has anyone whose bought one of these from circuit city recieved the AOC panel.. I'm planning on driving from Toronto to Buffalo to pick two of these panels up....

well hey if you end up with one of each try and get side by side shots to see if they are actually different.
Update!!!! All worked out fine!! Talked to the manager and after 15 min he came back with the verdict.Monitor was returnd at an earlier date and the switch was made then.CC was out of stock! so i will get within 2 weeks a new 226bw delivered to the house.Boy!!! im releaved
Good to hear everything worked out for you stanleyjohn. With all this talk of changing panels I've decided to finally pick one up. I checked online and there was one locally, once I bought the coupon on ebay however it was gone. Called CC and they said they get trucks on Sat and Wed so check back then. I'm unsure if I should wait or just buy it online. I'm not sure if I can just return stuff to the store if I buy it online, which is the whole point of buying it on CC, so I think I might wait.
Today, 02.17.2007 I went to CC to see the 226BW. The panel looks pretty good. Its glossiness is beautiful as well as the curved edges which give it distinction. However, the stand is totally awful. Its color is matte/dirty black which cheapens the general looks. Samsung call this monitor to be tilted for adjustment. This is a misstatement IMHO. The monitor doesn't at all tilt forward and it barely tilts backward. This feature has already been with LCD panels for quite a while. Why Samsung would take it back is hard to understand. The build of the stand is cheap. Other less expensive monitors have a much better one. See Viewsonic VG2230, which is height adjustable as well. The picture is good, but since the store didn't run it at native resolution I can't pronounce myself till Monday when I'll go back to take a closer look.

Kast locked horns with some of you guys as far as manufacturers' product features. As usual, in a discussion, people express different preferences and points of view about the issue on hand. However, features can be added or subtracted in two ways. First, in parallel, that is, many features laden products to knock out competition or to force competition. For ex. a product whose price point has been set at a lesser level than it could have been, but laden with multiple features that the competition's product does not possess. In our case, say, a 22 inch monitor that has outstanding picture, multiple inputs and a height adjustable stand. This situation would be a dream come true to the consumer. However, most manufacturers resort to the second way, serial, that is "step by step improvement". For ex. the Viewsonic VG2230 had excellent picture (with the usual insufficient vertical angle width of TN panels) and verical height adjustment. The VX2235 that came slightly afterward (correct me if I'm wrong chronologically), had NO such adjustment and kept without HDCP, just like Viesonic's other monitors. Samsung's 226BW has HDCP but no HDMI and its ergonomic features are nill, that is, no height adjustment which the 225 already had. So next we'll probably have Viewsonic's new monitors with HDCP, but no HDMI and no vertical adjustments. Then, next, Samsung will come out with one that has vertical adjustment and HDCP but no HDMI, and then, the next one up, will have HDMI, but not height adjustment and minimal tilting features, and so on and so forth, with something always missing. Then, the pixel nightmare. Why consumers are accepting dead/stuck pixels is beyond my comprehension. Tell me, have any of you ever bought a brand new car with a slightly bent chassis (even if unitized) or broken windshield? Yeah, the ever invoked mantra: "a panel has so many transistors that it's impossible to manufacture a perfect one". If a Toyota Cellica can run for 250K miles with very few problems on that road so can panel manufacturers produce flawless products. Dead/stuck pixel(s)? Back goes the monitor.

Manufacturers count on people who get tired of their gear quickly and buy the next new gadget at the corner store. They make money by adding a little and taking away a little from what was already there. In this way you will have bought 2 or 3 monitors in stead of 1 which should have had all features to begin with, and the right quality, hehe. :D
Got my 2nd 226BW from CC and this one is even worse than the first. Same brightness issue as before and backlight bleeding that I can see with the naked eye... gotta keep it over the weekend cause I have a paper i need to write but after that its going back. I think im just gonna get a refund this time and look elsewhere.
just out of curiosity, does it have the S on the back? or is it the other panel (since so far no one has gotten the other one it seems).
Correct. Both the 20" and the 22" have the same number of pixels. This means that the size of the pixels is larger on the 22" than the 20". The "size" of pixels is traditionally measured as the dot pitch (this dates back to the CRT days) which is defined as the distance between the centers of neighboring pixels. This measurements is actually the sum of the pixel size plus the gap between the pixels. In practice, with LCDs that gap between pixels is usually pretty small and does not vary much with screen size, so the size of the pixels increases roughly with the dot pitch. According to manufacturer specs, the dot pitch of a 1680x1050 pixels 22" monitor is 0.282 mm vs. 0.258 mm for a 1680x1050 pixel 20" monitor (With CRTs, there was some abiguity whether the dot pitch was measured horizontally or diagonally...with LCDs there seems to be a convention, but I don't know if the convention is horizontal or diagonal).

Which size of monitor you prefer is totally up to your own personal preference. I am drawn towards a 22" just because of the way that my desk is configured, my monitor sits about 3-4 feet away from my eyes (which I am told is a better for my eyes, anyhow). A 20" monitor looks a little small, whereas the 22" seems about right. But if you have your monitor very close to your head and can easily see all detail in the 20", then getting the 22" might not gain you anything.

samduhman, thank you so much for taking the time to share you knowledge and experience with the 226BW on this thread! I am sorry that a minority of annoying people had to drive you away. I certainly appreciate your contributions and I think that most of the readers of this thread feel the same way.

One reason I was thinking of maybe upgrading to a 22" monitor, is because text seems a little too small on my 20" LCD. I find I have to try making the fonts larger for everything, and its very annoying.

Although one thing I'm afraid of is if the fonts look different on a 22" than a 20"? Do they have a grainy look to them? I know I had owned a 19" before I got my 20" widescreen, and really hated the fonts on the 19"... they had a grainy look I couldn't get used to.
Hmm, I think at this point I'm just going to save my money and find the cheapest 22" that has HDCP.
Although one thing I'm afraid of is if the fonts look different on a 22" than a 20"? Do they have a grainy look to them? I know I had owned a 19" before I got my 20" widescreen, and really hated the fonts on the 19"... they had a grainy look I couldn't get used to.

The fonts on this forum aren't the slightest bit grainy on my 226BW. Although I imagine that totally depends on what font you are looking at, and in what size. Anyways I haven't noticed any issues.

I'm telling you, people, you really should at least look at this monitor before you decide not to get it. I love it.
Mofongo...thanks for a great response. I won't buy a 226BW unless I can verify its a Sammy panel!

how do you plan to do that just out of curiosity? since you got to open it up first (and i dont know how susceptible a place like CC would be to take it back and exachange it just based on that, and if once the "A" panels start coming if it will be permanently like that or not).
Today, 02.17.2007 I went to CC to see the 226BW. The panel looks pretty good. Its glossiness is beautiful as well as the curved edges which give it distinction. However, the stand is totally awful. Its color is matte/dirty black which cheapens the general looks. Samsung call this monitor to be tilted for adjustment. This is a misstatement IMHO. The monitor doesn't at all tilt forward and it barely tilts backward. This feature has already been with LCD panels for quite a while. Why Samsung would take it back is hard to understand. The build of the stand is cheap. Other less expensive monitors have a much better one. See Viewsonic VG2230, which is height adjustable as well. The picture is good, but since the store didn't run it at native resolution I can't pronounce myself till Monday when I'll go back to take a closer look.

Kast locked horns with some of you guys as far as manufacturers' product features. As usual, in a discussion, people express different preferences and points of view about the issue on hand. However, features can be added or subtracted in two ways. First, in parallel, that is, many features laden products to knock out competition or to force competition. For ex. a product whose price point has been set at a lesser level than it could have been, but laden with multiple features that the competition's product does not possess. In our case, say, a 22 inch monitor that has outstanding picture, multiple inputs and a height adjustable stand. This situation would be a dream come true to the consumer. However, most manufacturers resort to the second way, serial, that is "step by step improvement". For ex. the Viewsonic VG2230 had excellent picture (with the usual insufficient vertical angle width of TN panels) and verical height adjustment. The VX2235 that came slightly afterward (correct me if I'm wrong chronologically), had NO such adjustment and kept without HDCP, just like Viesonic's other monitors. Samsung's 226BW has HDCP but no HDMI and its ergonomic features are nill, that is, no height adjustment which the 225 already had. So next we'll probably have Viewsonic's new monitors with HDCP, but no HDMI and no vertical adjustments. Then, next, Samsung will come out with one that has vertical adjustment and HDCP but no HDMI, and then, the next one up, will have HDMI, but not height adjustment and minimal tilting features, and so on and so forth, with something always missing. Then, the pixel nightmare. Why consumers are accepting dead/stuck pixels is beyond my comprehension. Tell me, have any of you ever bought a brand new car with a slightly bent chassis (even if unitized) or broken windshield? Yeah, the ever invoked mantra: "a panel has so many transistors that it's impossible to manufacture a perfect one". If a Toyota Cellica can run for 250K miles with very few problems on that road so can panel manufacturers produce flawless products. Dead/stuck pixel(s)? Back goes the monitor.

Manufacturers count on people who get tired of their gear quickly and buy the next new gadget at the corner store. They make money by adding a little and taking away a little from what was already there. In this way you will have bought 2 or 3 monitors in stead of 1 which should have had all features to begin with, and the right quality, hehe. :D

Finally someone who understands what I'm saying. My grudge isn't against Samsung it's against every corporation that is screwing the consumers. I have 500 freaking euros to spent and I can't find a complete monitor. And what's worse my choices are limited since gateway sceptre and dell are amongst the many manufacturers that don't release their products in Europe or release them for very limited quantities and expensive prices. Seriously I want to buy a good 22" monitor and I can't. Now I hear that Samsung is conning the consumers by secretly changing panels. Seriously, is there a biggest disrespect for the consumer than what they're doing?
how do you plan to do that just out of curiosity? since you got to open it up first (and i dont know how susceptible a place like CC would be to take it back and exachange it just based on that, and if once the "A" panels start coming if it will be permanently like that or not).

I called CC today and asked them about this and they said I could return it for another one with no charge if I wasn't satisfied. I'm hoping to get one soon though so I can hopefully get a Samsung panel.
I called CC today and asked them about this and they said I could return it for another one with no charge if I wasn't satisfied. I'm hoping to get one soon though so I can hopefully get a Samsung panel.

well here's a question then, from the "sound" of it, it may not be a lottery like with Dell, but a full switchover right? so if you get an "A" panel, i'm pretty sure it means the "S" panels are all gone for good (if i'm wrong about this please correct me), so then what?
well here's a question then, from the "sound" of it, it may not be a lottery like with Dell, but a full switchover right? so if you get an "A" panel, i'm pretty sure it means the "S" panels are all gone for good (if i'm wrong about this please correct me), so then what?

I think your right.... From looking at the samsung website, they have two types of panels listed, one is slated to be produced only in the first quarter of 07, which i'm thinking must be the samsung panel.... II'm not sure how big a difference it's gonna be between the two, but i guess we won't know until someone does a side by side comparisions of both. Does anyone know how good the A' panels are anyway?

After reading this forum, I feel selling my 225BW for 226BW

I play some games but I don't know if its worth it for a new model. The 3000:1 contrast ratio does look really impressive.

Should I sell my 225BW?
uggh the worse thing about this is say you go to get the 226. You get home find out it has problems, or even a few weeks down the road. Now if all S panels are gone you get stuck with the A panel. Not a situation I'd like to be a part of. 2 sceptres taken back, im still looking over the market :sigh:
Well! seems like after so many nice comments on the sammy 226bw there seems to be an increase of negativity on this model.Im hoping i didnt make a mistake in buying one.This will be my 2nd 22" LCD monitor.The first one was the LG-L226!After some fine tuning it has a real nice pic!(alittle bleeding on the top and bottom but not that bad).I wanted a 2nd monitor and after reading so much good on the sammy i decided to get one!I should recieve it in about a week.I will do a side by side comparison of the two models then.
I think your right.... From looking at the samsung website, they have two types of panels listed, one is slated to be produced only in the first quarter of 07, which i'm thinking must be the samsung panel.... II'm not sure how big a difference it's gonna be between the two, but i guess we won't know until someone does a side by side comparisions of both. Does anyone know how good the A' panels are anyway?

yeah but i dunno, first off if one of them they arent producing i dont think they'd list it there. Second of all, i dont think they'd do that anyway since this isnt exactly something you want to supply information about. And the mass produced on actually has the two different contrast levels and is the "1" label while the "2" label is the one only produced in 07.

basically i dunno if thats really proof of anything.
check them out

as so many people already stated, it has some cons as well as pros. however, at $359.43, i believe that it's a good deal. here are some more on cons : there is no height adjustment but my desk is luckily high enough and my chair is height adjustable. :D

i have two sli video cards and i installed both of these monitors on the first card. even though the brightness/contrast settings are identical, it seems like though the monitor on the left is always brighter than the one on the right. out of the box, its brightness is set to 100 which literally burns your eyes.

of course, no 1:1 mapping and only 1680x1050.

i seem to not to do the settings right. so if anybody has something to say on how to achieve the best pic settings please let me know. i will use these monitors for programming since i do my gaming on a 60 inch sony lcd projection tv. so, i am happy with my purchase in overall. of course, when i compare my old pc to this new beast, the new beast feels like driving a ferrari.

see? the problem is that manufacturers can do better by listening the consumer. i mean how hard is it to put a height adjustment to a monitor. anyway, hope you will enjoy the pics... ;)
I called CC today and asked them about this and they said I could return it for another one with no charge if I wasn't satisfied. I'm hoping to get one soon though so I can hopefully get a Samsung panel.
I got mine 9 days ago at CC, it is an 'A' panel. When were these S panels ever available? Tried to take it back to CC but there is a 15% restocking fee if you don't exchange for the same monitor or one of greater value.
I got mine 9 days ago at CC, it is an 'A' panel. When were these S panels ever available? Tried to take it back to CC but there is a 15% restocking fee if you don't exchange for the same monitor or one of greater value.
I would think the S and A would still be considered the same model.

I was just wondering, do you have any problems with your A model? Such as backlight bleeding problems? I was hoping no one in the U.S. had received that "A" model, but I guess they have.

I just ordered this today (I had to choose shipping because no local stores have it). But am beginning to wonder if I should cancel it.

Also did the label outside of your box display the "A" model on it?
Also did the label outside of your box display the "A" model on it?

I also got an 'A' panel from CC, albeit on a 206BW, not 226BW. The outside label did not indicate whether or not it was an 'S' or an 'A' in the box. Regardless, I'm happy with it. I didn't run it through the gamut yet, though.