Samsung 2693HM vs Hannspree HF289HJB vs Samsung T260


Sep 2, 2008
Hey guys, I'm seriously about to buy one of the three monitors up listed in the title. I just wanted to know if anyone has owned any of these three and could offer any input as to which one to buy. I'd like the size of the Hannspree but the Samsungs offer better picture quality/contrast and more features. I'm going to use the monitor for some moderate gaming (mainly War 3) and HD movies.

Specifically though, I'd like to know the comparison between the two Samsung monitors as I've heard great reviews about both and would like to know why should anyone choose one over the other. Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Among the three, definitely get the Samsungs over the Hanns-G 28" I am an owner of a 28" Hanns-G and it broke down in less than 6 months. It sounded like it's going to blow up with the inner components bursting. I still need to send it to Hanns-G for repair. Between the 2 Samsungs, the specs are similar but, the 2693HM model is more practical because of its height adjustment and able to rotate into portrait mode. The T260 does do better in the looks dept as well as offering 2x usb ports on the monitor as well. As far as choosing between the two, it depends on the person if they really need the benefit of height adjustment/portrait feature of the 2693HM model. If not, the T260 would be nicer.
I've had my T260 for one week today, I really agonized over the choice but after seeing both side by side at WorstBuy I felt the T260 was a better looking screen so I went with it. I have not been disappointed, actually I've been exceptionally surprised with how well it performs and it is a massive (literally and figuratively) from the Samsung 216bw it replaced.
It really depends on what you're using it for. If you want a do everything monitor I would suggest the T260HD as it has two HDMI's, DVI, VGA, 1:1 pixel mapping, and a HD tuner. I'm only going to be doing computer gaming so I got the 2693HM and honestly its a badass monitor....just the buttons on it are the worst design ever.
Wait, so does either the 2693HM or the T260 (non HD version) offer 1:1 pixel mapping? And does that mean for playing older computer games (specifically warcraft 3, don't really play console games) it won't stretch the picture? Thanks.
Well, if it's over a computer you can sometimes have the computer compensate for any monitor shenanigans (nVidia cards).
Yeah both the 2693HM and T260 don't support 1:1 pixel mapping I think....I just read a thread on the T260. So I'm pretty sure WC3 will stretch. LOL I still play WC3...I find enfos still insanely fun after all this time. I don't think stretching in that game will make a big diff since the game is dated anyways.
I had the 2693HM $341 BB display model, for a few days and returned it for the dead pixels and uneven screen tones, backlight bleeding. The buttons had no tactile response (very aggravating). The stand was nice however. No weird connection problems.

The HF289H may be going back if I can't solve the sleep mode problem. The monitor drivers do not work on their website. So Hann probably should fix them. I have the Brightness set to 0, otherwise it is painful for surfing and text. The larger size of this monitor 28 inches, is what I like because the fonts are slightly larger for my old eyes, ~7% more monitor than 26 inch. Is it worth it? I have another week to reconsider this one from BB. I paid $567 with the sales tax. Surprisingly I found out that in most cases the retailers are allowed to keep most of this tax.
Since I am stuck with an BB "Gift Card" I am contemplating the The T260, not the HD model. I have found out that HDMI works well with the cable box that uses its own tuner anyway, I hate the Fugly front bezel and the stupid stand. that does not work with VESA mounting. Samsung is overrated in my opinion and someone here called it another "shitastic" monitor. Dead pixels will send it back to BB for sure. Good luck on you selection.
I just came home last night with a T260HD in my hands and so far I'm really impressed with the monitor. It's replacing a Westinghouse L2410NM that I get to argue with the idiots at Geek Squad about regarding the "impact" like crack it somehow got during me setting it down on a soft surface.

Anyhow, I've got the T260HD plugged in with everything, cable, Wii, 360, PS3 and PC, it's working like a champ. So far the PC input is great, just as good as my 2493MH, text is very clear and sharp, colors could use a bit of tweaking but out of box the image quality is very good, infact due to the size of this monitor the color shift that is usually present with TN panels is greatly reduced compared to my 2493MH.

HDMI and Component look great, colors are spot on and image quality is amazing. Watching Batman Begins on Blu-ray looks awesome. I was concerned that the Wii would suffer from being stretched but it looks great, same with TV though not having a HDTV to compare it to I can't say for sure how good the quality is, but even non-hdtv content looks good. Oh and a quick note about 1:1 mapping, over the HDMI connections you have an option for "Just scan" which is 1:1 as far as I can tell.

I think one of the biggest selling points for me was that this monitor has a Toslink out with allows me to not have to dick around with having several inputs into my decoder, I just run a optical cable from the monitor to my decoder and with the switching of sources everything pipes through it. So if you're like me and have a few different gaming systems and want to cut back on cable clutter you should definitely give the T260HD another look.
Thanks a bunch, guys. I think I'm just going to run to my local Best Buy and get a T260 (it's on sale for $460 right now) unless it's got one of those YMMV deals on the 2693HM (heard some ppl got them for $350).
I just recieved my T260HD today and set it up(well, kind of set it up...the piece that attaches the monitor to the stand wasn't in the box so it's secured to my desk with a non-slip pad and a bungee cord until they approve my claim and ship me the part.) but I can't figure out how to get it to go into standby mode when I turn the computer off. Does anyone who has one of these have any suggestions? Also, anyone know if/how I can send the sound through my X-fi to my speakers when the monitor is in t.v. mode?
Hmmmm...I have a 2693HM and when the best buy clerk tried to demo the speakers they did not work. This was when he hooked it up using HDMI.

I'm sure someone could help you in teh T240HD Thread.
Hmmmm...I have a 2693HM and when the best buy clerk tried to demo the speakers they did not work. This was when he hooked it up using HDMI.

I'm sure someone could help you in teh T240HD Thread.

I think I have it figures out...I'm pretty sure it'll work if I use a toslink between the monitor and the control center on my speakers. Haven't tried it yet though.
I have the 2693HM & had the Hansspree mentioned. I did a big comparision a while ago on them in the forums here, but in the end I went with the 2693 and have enjoyed it ever since.
Hey Ebola how much did you get it for? It seems like alot of the forum members stole my plan and bought one for resale...theres a 2-3 2693HMs for sale on the forums for 400+ shipping...too bad you can get one brand new for 285
My local BB had 3 of them for $341, but I got them to price match another BB that were selling it for $285, but I think the result will vary with the cashier since when I called the person on phone told me they would not do that. Either way, it was $350 after tax for the monitor and the BB 4yr warranty.
I have the 226bw and love it. Which one is closer to the 226BW in terms of quality of immage and all that good stuff:confused: