Samsung 28" 4k for $599 and free shipping!

I know amazon is out and newegg is doing their usual price gouging but Samsung has their 28" 4k 60hz panel for sale direct from their website for $599 with free shipping.

I jumped on this earlier today and figured some other (h) members might be interested.


Looks like a good buy..I use to be a NEWEGG supporter but not anymore, their price gouging lost me as a loyal customer!
Yes its 60hz and a low refresh rate. Honestly the seiki would be an awesome buy at 39" and non tn, but at 30 hz im not sure if 4k would really even be usuable. Thus the samsung with 60hz and a good tn panel (for whatever that's worth), and with a trustworthy name doing single stream transfer 60hz at 4k seems like the best current 4k monitor buy.

Meaning your GPU detects it as one monitor rather than two like some of the other 4k 60hz panels.
Wow I assumed it was IPS, what a screw up they did.

lol you can't please anyone now days. Its brand new 4K displays they aren't going to sell them for a fire sale right away from a major name brand.
Still a good price, but just got an email from Samsung saying that its on backorder now.... Hope they get them produced quick. Wish they would have made that a lot more obvious before I purchased it....
This is a tempting deal, I've been in the market for a new monitor for a few months now. Must resist the urge to buy.......
damn it. DO NOT BUY THESE!

Let samsung sit on their stock so they will realize consumers don't want to pay $600 for a TN 4k, and they'll be forced to lower the price or put out better screens!

Reasons to avoid:
For desktop use, the color shift would be horrible on a 28" LCD.
There's no games compelling enough to warrent 4k resolution right now, and the gpu requirements would be insane.
damn it. DO NOT BUY THESE!

Let samsung sit on their stock so they will realize consumers don't want to pay $600 for a TN 4k, and they'll be forced to lower the price or put out better screens!

Reasons to avoid:
For desktop use, the color shift would be horrible on a 28" LCD.
There's no games compelling enough to warrent 4k resolution right now, and the gpu requirements would be insane.

There's some valid criticism here, but I think your missing the point in a couple areas:

A. 60hz this is the only monitor that will run it at 4k other than the $2500+ sets from Sharp, Asus, and others.

B. TN, still has the best refresh rates and if I want a monitor with low input lags, low refresh rates, and I'm willing to give up a little bit in the color range than why not?

C. Price rules all in the marketplace, right now the options are a Seiki 39" 4k TV, which apart from being a TV first has a cap at 30hz, has some major quality issues if you look around online and retails for $499. Other than the Seiki your looking at a terrible dell that again is only 30 hz and costs more than the samsung. Lastly there are some really nice 4k 60" monitors in the previously mentioned $2500+ range, but I don't want to spend that on a monitor.

D. I may not get 100% top AA settings (wont need it with 4k) but my 290x water cooled setup will run more than acceptable framerates at 4k.

While I wish it was 32 inches or so and IPS, I'm not willing to pay a $2000 premium over this for that type of panel.
Talked to customer support and they are getting 60 more monitors in on the 25th and I'll be in that grouping, so at least the wait shouldn't be too bad. Not sure what amazon or NCIX is looking at for backorder delays.
damn it. DO NOT BUY THESE!

Let samsung sit on their stock so they will realize consumers don't want to pay $600 for a TN 4k, and they'll be forced to lower the price or put out better screens!

Reasons to avoid:
For desktop use, the color shift would be horrible on a 28" LCD.
There's no games compelling enough to warrent 4k resolution right now, and the gpu requirements would be insane.

People purchasing this know of its limitations. If someone needs (wants) a 4k monitor for any purpose, this is the best deal going. We may never see 32" (or smaller) non-TN panels under $1,000. The market is limited and John Q. Computer User who sits 3 feet from his monitor doesn't give a flying fuck about viewing angles or accurate color reproduction. Neither does John Q. Excel User or John Q. Programmer who is elated to get more screen real estate and a higher resolution.

I'm personally waiting for more reviews of this monitor and to see what the 2nd generation of 4k panels will bring.
I keep seeing threads for this monitor and I have to back out because the GPU requirements would be crazy for the games I play. I'm on 1440 and i'm already on the fence of going down in res.
They must have just changed the price, when I purchased mine it was $100 off good until the 24th. Wonder if they got too many orders or realized that they were going to be backordered anyways so why have people jump in the que at a better price. I would think they would have to honor the $100 off though if someone had a screenshot of the price since it is clearly not the 24th...
I just got off the phone with Samsung direct customer service. The price was not supposed to change, she said they only change prices on Sundays. They have filed some tickets to have the website corrected but it will take up to 24 hours.
They must have just changed the price, when I purchased mine it was $100 off good until the 24th. Wonder if they got too many orders or realized that they were going to be backordered anyways so why have people jump in the que at a better price. I would think they would have to honor the $100 off though if someone had a screenshot of the price since it is clearly not the 24th...

I would love to jump on this at $599, does anyone have a screen shot or order confirmation they could share please?
This is not a 4k 60hz input set for hdmi. Hdmi 1.4 top out at 30hz for 4k. Hdmi 1.4 tops out at 1200p @60hz
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This is not a 4k 60hz input set. Hdmi 1.4 and display port 1.2 top out at 30hz for 4k. Displayport 1.2 tops out at 1600p @ 60hz. Hdmi 1.4 tops out at 1200p @60hz
This says otherwise
The current version, DisplayPort 1.2, delivers enough bandwidth to carry video resolutions of up to 3840 by 2160 pixels at a refresh rate of 60Hz, and it supports all common 3D video formats.
This is not a 4k 60hz input set. Hdmi 1.4 and display port 1.2 top out at 30hz for 4k. Displayport 1.2 tops out at 1600p @ 60hz. Hdmi 1.4 tops out at 1200p @60hz

umm, wrong...

This is a 4k 60hz display:

and lastly yes, displayport 1.2 is absolutely capable of 4k at 60hz using single stream even and not having to resort to MST.
oh how I wish this had vesa mounts, I'd be all over it!

I'll just have to wait for the asus equiv to come out... any day now...
They fixed the price of the one in my cart and I pulled the trigger. I'll post pics and such when it comes in.
Tempting, even though it's not really in the budget. I'm more worried about Windows and apps supporting HiDPI though. It's April 2014 and not even Chrome supports HiDPI in Windows yet.

I'd encourage anyone who wasn't aware this was TN, or the HDMI limit, or the DP 1.2 not-limit to check out the Displays forum where there is a thread about this very monitor. $600 is a steal for a monitor this size with this resolution, TN or otherwise. Keep in mind the "good" 4K monitors are well over $2000.
It would be nice if this did 120 Hz at 1080p resolution =/. It looks like a nice price!
It would be nice if this did 120 Hz at 1080p resolution =/. It looks like a nice price!
I thought so too when I bought the Seiki but then I saw a strobing 120hz monitor, holy crap!

4K res means <60fps and tearing hell with today's GPUs, not worth it for me without g-sync.
People purchasing this know of its limitations. If someone needs (wants) a 4k monitor for any purpose, this is the best deal going. We may never see 32" (or smaller) non-TN panels under $1,000. The market is limited and John Q. Computer User who sits 3 feet from his monitor doesn't give a flying fuck about viewing angles or accurate color reproduction. Neither does John Q. Excel User or John Q. Programmer who is elated to get more screen real estate and a higher resolution.

I'm personally waiting for more reviews of this monitor and to see what the 2nd generation of 4k panels will bring.

Heavy excel user here. I'm jumping on this because it's a great deal but I also want to see if it's better on the eyes than the Asus 144hz monitor.
You guys think 290x's in crossfire will do alright in 4k? I am looking at the 295 benches and they look alright so I assume other than melting my tower most games should be playable?

Also looks like the Samsung store charges tax in TX :(