Samsung Galaxy S III (Verizon) is amazing! Just sayin'


[H]F Junkie
Dec 18, 2010
I know this is probably a waste of a thread but I just got this phone and it is fucking [H]

In my opinion the apple Retina (960×640) does not look as fine as the AMOLED screen (1280x720) on the gS3. Ice Cream Sandwich is so much better than iOS which is so limiting it isnt funny.

Also the phone feels better in the hand and the processing power is just ridiculous for a dual core phone.

I just don't see why so many people choose to have apple? It is like choosing to own a phone you dont own and is powered by dictatorship over you. Oh well I owned an Iphone 3s and then went android and never looked back again. I know google isnt the best most honest company by any means but atleast I can flash a rom that is totally private.
I completely agree with you... I *LOVE* my Galaxy S III on Verizon.

I think many choose it because they want a fashion accessory, mainly.... they see people with them and think it looks "cool". Anyone looking at actual features, performance, options, practicality, aesthetics, etc. will just go for something like the S3 or any one of the other numerous options available on Android currently.
In my opinion the apple Retina (960×640) does not look as fine as the AMOLED screen (1280x720) on the gS3. Ice Cream Sandwich is so much better than iOS which is so limiting it isnt funny.

Also the phone feels better in the hand and the processing power is just ridiculous for a dual core phone. e.

That second point is easily overlooked, the curved shape of tbe phone makes it so easy to hold, im surprised more phones dont have that shape.
I just picked one up yesterday. Been on an old and dying Droid X since they were released. Already love everything about it.
I just picked one up yesterday. Been on an old and dying Droid X since they were released. Already love everything about it.

I'm in this same situation. I'm due for an upgrade this month and have every intention of getting the S III. My Droid X has served me well but its time for bigger and better.
I'm still on a stock Droid X thinking about rooting it for the first time to try and keep it going.

I do not want to reup my contract to save the 1300 every 2 years.

Is it still possible to root + stock ICS this phone with the latest updates?
I love mine as well. Its crazy fast. When I'm not in a cell signal black hole of a room, my battery will be at something like 40% around 12 at night. The screen is beautiful and I actually enjoy some of the oversaturated colors others deem to be a negative. Though this kinda makes some of the webpages I view on an actual seem bland. The call and sound quality are superb. I've also gotten over it being a bit fragile in the hand.

My only complaint is that trying to find a 4g signal can drain my battery pretty fast and there are some aspects of touchwiz I dislike but I'm planning on doing away with touchwiz all together.
I realized this thread will be full of bias, but the iphones are really nice devices. I personally have and prefer android, but i understand why the iphone is so popular.

1.) **every apple customer becomes an unpaid apple salesman**
2.) they are easy to use and intuitive
3.) they have excellent build quality and very polished product
4.) they are standardized -- if you have used an apple device, ipad, ipod, iphone, etc you know how to work them. accessories are also a lot easier to find because of this. A lot less naming / wording confusion

I support just about any technology related device/software for my employer. I have never heard a single end user say "I can't stand my Iphone, im going back to android / blackberry" I however have heard many people say that about android / windows phone 7.
I have one on Sprint. I can't seem to find anything wrong with the phone... I love it too. Fits in my hand perfectly and does not have the problems that plagued the SG2.
I have one on Sprint. I can't seem to find anything wrong with the phone... I love it too. Fits in my hand perfectly and does not have the problems that plagued the SG2.
Same. I've loved this phone since I got it. It replaced my Nexus S 4G which I gave to my mother to replace her POS Optimus S. The battery absolutely destroys my old NS4G and the larger screen is a huge plus.

Currently running various Touch Wiz based ROMs (BlazerROM and FreeGS3). Tried a non-official Jelly Bean AOKP which was pretty buggy. Can't wait till they officially add support for it.

Anyway, can't say enough good things about this phone. Although, in sunlight, it is a tad dim but I knew that going into it with a AMOLED display. The speaker is much louder than the NS4G which is nice as well.
Phone is amazing, currently using CM10 which fixed a LOT of my issues with Verizon's iteration of this phone. Things I'd love to ask Verizon....

Why did they remove the WiFi widget on the drop down, just WHY!!?!! I pay for the frickin data, I'd like to have control over what I use.

Stock keyboard blows, installing swype caused weird issues with both keyboards trying to do auto correct making words not appear. This was really random.

Verizon guy started up the auto sync cloud backup or w/e. This app is highly annoying, and blew through my mobile data even though I told it to sync nothing. Had to mess with it before I could disable it on touchwiz. Supposedly this program doesn't do anything unless you turn it on, salespeople :p

Home button has a massive delay stock due to waiting for a potential second press for S-Voice. This option can be removed but it's still slow. Fixed on my custom ROM, it's instantaneous now.

Stock messenger crashed 3 times on me, no idea but I blame touchwiz. It seems like you either love or hate touchwiz, and there is no right or wrong answer to it. Thankfully the developers give us great choices. This is the best phone I've owned to date, you really can't go wrong with it. Battery life has also been excellent.
Phone is amazing, currently using CM10 which fixed a LOT of my issues with Verizon's iteration of this phone. Things I'd love to ask Verizon....

Why did they remove the WiFi widget on the drop down, just WHY!!?!! I pay for the frickin data, I'd like to have control over what I use.

Stock keyboard blows, installing swype caused weird issues with both keyboards trying to do auto correct making words not appear. This was really random.

Verizon guy started up the auto sync cloud backup or w/e. This app is highly annoying, and blew through my mobile data even though I told it to sync nothing. Had to mess with it before I could disable it on touchwiz. Supposedly this program doesn't do anything unless you turn it on, salespeople :p

Home button has a massive delay stock due to waiting for a potential second press for S-Voice. This option can be removed but it's still slow. Fixed on my custom ROM, it's instantaneous now.

Stock messenger crashed 3 times on me, no idea but I blame touchwiz. It seems like you either love or hate touchwiz, and there is no right or wrong answer to it. Thankfully the developers give us great choices. This is the best phone I've owned to date, you really can't go wrong with it. Battery life has also been excellent.

Please link the rom you r using. I would like to cinsuder since im rooted.
I must be missing something. I have had the phone since it was released and its a good phone, smooth, yata yata, some cool features, but I'm not seeing what all the buzz is about. And no I'm not an Apple guy stuck with an Android phone. Just seems like most other smartphones out there, and I agree about the stupid keyboard and Swype, my S2 for work is so much easier to use and not as stupid in predicting words, some of which aren't even words in the English language.
I must be missing something. I have had the phone since it was released and its a good phone, smooth, yata yata, some cool features, but I'm not seeing what all the buzz is about. And no I'm not an Apple guy stuck with an Android phone. Just seems like most other smartphones out there, and I agree about the stupid keyboard and Swype, my S2 for work is so much easier to use and not as stupid in predicting words, some of which aren't even words in the English language.
Dunno. Maybe I'm just geeking out to some new tech compared to my old NS4G. It was definitely a large upgrade for me and I should be happy until next year when the next series of phones come out.
One issue I have started to have lately is when I press the volume button to turn off the ringer when there is an incoming call and a second or 2 later it actually answers the damn phone. It has happened 5 times this week but of course I cant get it to do it when I call the phone it just does it when someone calls that I dont want to talk to, wtf.
Maybe over the 4s, currently, but I'm sure the 5 will blow it out of the water.

Not sure if trolling. But the recent rumors for the next iPhone has been garbage to say the least. I own an iPhone 4. I'm just waiting for an Android phone that will be the latest and greatest for my money since I'll be buying it outright.
I had to decide between this and the evo 4g lte. I choose the LTE for 2 reasons , 1 the screen was doing better / brighter out doors. 2 I had a samsung before and they just dont do as well with software. In fact when we were trying to demo the phones we could not get the phone to rotate into landscape with text messaging. We use the phones outdoors alot so it was something to consider over the superior contrast of the sg3.

That being said I really liked the phone otherwise and I am so glad they have a removable battery. The option for extended batterys and replacement back cases is really a nice feature. It is the only glaring flaw of the epic 4g LTE.
I had to decide between this and the evo 4g lte. I choose the LTE for 2 reasons , 1 the screen was doing better / brighter out doors. 2 I had a samsung before and they just dont do as well with software. In fact when we were trying to demo the phones we could not get the phone to rotate into landscape with text messaging. We use the phones outdoors alot so it was something to consider over the superior contrast of the sg3.

That being said I really liked the phone otherwise and I am so glad they have a removable battery. The option for extended batterys and replacement back cases is really a nice feature. It is the only glaring flaw of the epic 4g LTE.

I've owned both phones, and I can tell you the only feature the Evo LTE has that's better is the power button on the top and the camera button on the side. 2 GB's of RAM on the sg3 is much better, just the side power button has increased my usage of 4 letter words quite a bit ^^ I'm constantly turning the ringer up and down trying to press it.

I've had no issues with landscape mode, and I honestly don't care about screen brightness in direct sunlight... I'd prefer to just use something as shade to look into any phone, they all suck in the sun. The superior colors are very nice on the samsung.

Having said that, you just can't pass up twice the RAM, replaceable battery and a back cover you can pull (full not the half on the HTC that has the antenna attached i think?), and the fact that the Samsung is much more popular and is bound to have the best development for it. It's a no brainer right now.
Agreed. Best phone I ahve ever owned. A significant upgrade from my previous iPhone 4.

In my opinion the apple Retina (960×640) does not look as fine as the AMOLED screen (1280x720) on the gS3.

If you look REALLY close you will be able to tell that the pentile screen on the GS3 has a little bit of a "dithered" look to it, but you have to get REALLY close, much closer than during comfortable use.

I can only see it without my contacts in, holding the phone right up against my face.

The iPhone does not have this issue.

On the other hand, the colors are much more vibrant on the S3, making the iPhone screen look washed out in comparison.

Either way, I love this phone and would never go back to my previous iPhone. Apple has a huge job ahead of them if they want to catch up to this with iPhone 5.