Samsung LCD TV - Good Plan for a Computer Monitor?


Aug 26, 2006
Anybody have any advice at all regarding the use of a Samsung LCD TV for a computer monitor? I'm considering several options and I just stumbled upon the LN-S3251D. If you guys have any suggestions about the resolutions on those running an OS I would love to hear about it!
Depends if it can do 1080p resolution. If it can't then it's most likely 1368x768 or whatever the hell resolution the non-1080p TVs use. There's more than a few people who run the 37" Westinghouse 1080p LCD here for computer use, so maybe they could chime in.
The only good PC monitor/LCD TV atm is the Westinghouse 37". All large 23"+ Sammsungs have serious issues with PC work and generally suck imo.
I Love my Westy!
1920x1080 goodness! Plus it will scale just about any res you put to it.
Yeah.... My friend has a 37" Westinghouse in his dorm. Problem is that I want it to go on my desk, not set up on the floor... I don't know how he isn't annoyed by having that screen not at a real desk... We'll see.. I still have about a year before I need to actually buy a new monitor for college...