Samsung s27a850d impressions.

Jul 10, 2011
The past few months I've been toying around with some monitors, really trying to find the best one for me. I've gone through quite a few. I started with a 50" Plasma, which was great, but wanted to try something new.

So far, I've tried three Dell U2312HM's in eyefinity, one Samsung S27a750D 3D 120hz, and now a Samsung S27a850d.

I've owned the 850d for a few days and, well, I am disappointed. I expected much more out of this monitor. I got it with very minimal backlight bleeding (a huge problem some people are running into), and overall this is a great monitor, but from everything that I heard about the PLS display, and the large resolution, I really expected it to be great.

It looks exactly the same as any IPS panel monitor to me, the main difference being the lack of aggressive AG coating. From the U2312HM's AG coating, I'd have to recommend this Samsung 850 over Dell and HP's 27" high resolution monitors, but as far as picture quality goes I notice no difference, which is the biggest let down for me.

As far as resolution is concerned, I was also expecting more. I've heard so much about high resolution displays and how amazing they are, and after seeing the ACD I was really sold, but on this monitor I really don't notice a difference in overall quality, and that's just because the ACD has much better picture quality than, well, any other 27" monitor, including this 850.

I got this open box for $560, and at the price point it is unbeatable. I will be keeping this monitor, even though I was let down, it is a very nice monitor.

For $800, I'd say grab an Apple Cinema Display, because this monitor doesn't come close to the picture quality that monitor delivers. At the $560 price point I snagged this monitor, it's worth every penny. At $700 I'd say this monitor is worth it, above that, not so much.

Overall, with my experience in all these displays, I'd have to choose the S27a750D as the winner at a $400 price point from Tigerdirect when I got it. I wasn't a believer in 120hz until I saw it, and for a TN panel, it had such amazing picture quality. Backlight bleeding was pretty awful on the 750D I got, though. Apart from that, amazing.

So, if you're in the market for a monitor from $400 - $500, I highly recommend the S27a750D. For a high-res monitor with full adjustability like the 850D, I'd say a great price point is anything $700 and under. Over that, you might as well spend the extra $100 on an Apple Cinema Display.

In the end, I'd give this 850D an 8/10 as far as overall quality goes.
What aspects of the picture quality do you find superior on the ACD?

Where did you get this for $560? Was it a refurb?
I sent my s24a850dw to Samsung to repair the back light bleed issue, and the one I received back today was HORRIBLE! The bottom of the screen was seriously yellow. I am pissed off that I have to send this monitor back now, only to probably get one just as shitty as the two I already got. I think I am past my return period, and if not, I would lose a ton of money on shipping and restocking fees... seriously... STAY AWAY from this monitor. Now I know why that other guy was on here trashing it so hard, I feel exactly the same way he does

EDIT: Just to be clear, I am referring to the 24" version, the 27" supposedly has less BLB than the 24"
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I tried the S24A850DW just for the heck of it. Got it from amazon. And boy the review was spot on. This thing has some of the worst back light bleed I have ever seen. The whole bottom right corner was like some one was flashing a flash light threw it. I couldn't believe that samsung quality control would let something as bad as this get out. I work in a electronics company in QC. And their is no way in hell that this monitor would have passed our requirements. It would have been rejected and sent back to the manufacturing floor. Luck for me my S27A850D has been flawless. No back light bleed at all. And yes it does look exactly like IPS displays from Dell or HP, but it does not have that heavy AG coating which to me, makes text and web pages much much easier to read. So if you want a 27 inch display that is good for games or web surfing but without that AG coating crap get the samsung :)
I got this monitor today. I'm very satisfied. Picture is a lot more sharper than in my Dell U2311H. Before I buyed it I was very concerned about backlight bleed but in my model this is not a problem. I'm giving this monitor 9/10. Why not 10? Because I still wish that in the future we will get monitors with retina resolutions and this will be the ultimate win.
I got this monitor today. I'm very satisfied. Picture is a lot more sharper than in my Dell U2311H. Before I buyed it I was very concerned about backlight bleed but in my model this is not a problem. I'm giving this monitor 9/10. Why not 10? Because I still wish that in the future we will get monitors with retina resolutions and this will be the ultimate win.

Are you sure you got the 850D model and not the 850T ?

Please check this link for further info.
I don't think it's discontinued. Official Samsung site says that they still sell it:

What do you mean with QC?

They don't manufacturer it anymore and the 850T is the replacement model. They probably still have some stock left of the 850D model that they want to sell off before they remove it completely from their offical site. If you look at the Samsung UK site they have it tagged as NEW. Many customers have gotten the following message when they recently tried to place an order for the 850D just before the 850T was released.

QC is the quality control , the older model had a few problems that hopefully will be resolved with the new model.
Hm... I don't have any problem.. It's a good display.

Here in my country 850D is everywhere and noone sells 850T. I'm from Slovenia.
Hm... I don't have any problem.. It's a good display.

Here in my country 850D is everywhere and noone sells 850T. I'm from Slovenia.

Then you can consider yourself lucky that you got a display without any major flaws. And as long as you are satisfied it's all good :)
Yes I'm happy. The only problem right now is that everything is smaller but I think after time I will get used to this smaller text, icons...

I was thinking a lot which monitor to buy..this, zr2740w or u2711 and I think I made great choice. The problem at zr2740w is that it does not support consoles, the problem at u2711 is that have agressive AG coating... Samsung don't have any of this problems so it's optimal choice for me.
Why are high resolution displays all referred to as 'retina', it's just Apples wanky word for hi-res. Last thing the IT world needs is more wanky Apple terms becoming mainstream lingo.

I also dont have any problem with my monitor and overall i am very pleased with it, but it is very disappointing from samsung to totally replace the 850d model with something new. It is an 700 euro price tag lcd, please samsung respect your customers a little. Why shall i lose value from my 1-2 month old monitor?
I think you should not lose value for your monitor. If your monitor goes bad they must replace it for newer model 850t.
SA850 *T*? What is this variant? Does this explain why all of the SA850 *D* models seem to be no longer in stock from the major resellers? What's going on here?
Is anyone else having a sort of blue glow along the edges? It's most noticeable on white
If anyone is interested in a barely used 24" s24a850dw PM me... I sent two of them back for terrible back light bleed, but the third one I just got in is nearly perfect. It has no backlight bleed at all, but I am switching to a P-L-P setup instead.
Anyone know why my headphones don't work when I connected them into the monitor?

What's your source? DisplayPort or DVI? Did you connect the audio in and experiment with the volume settings on the screen? Are you making sure your PC is set to output sound through displayport?
DVI. My graphic card don't support DisplayPort. On DVI headphones do not work?

DVI doesn't have a channel for sound, you need to use the audio in for PC audio when utilizing DVI. Ie. headphone out from PC to screen. I guess the audio/headphone out is there for convenience... Not sure.

DisplayPort does. I kinda don't understand why Samsung included a headphone port without an HDMI input. Normally monitors with headphones out have HDMI in as well as DisplayPort.

I guess that's why the upcoming "T" version has HDMI.
Hi there Jhero, bought mine a few months ago and now there's a very noticeable blue glow along the left edge and bottom edge of my screen. As you say it's most noticeable with white. I've just been playing a fullscreen 1080p youtube video and it's got a noticeable glow in the same positions. Thinking of getting it replaced by Samsung as there's not much mention of this amongst other users. Anybody else experiencing this?