Samsung’s New 4K Televisions Can Turn Themselves Invisible


Aug 20, 2006
A new feature dubbed “Ambient Mode” will allow Samsung’s new televisions to match the walls they are mounted on, effectively making them “invisible.” The way it achieves this isn’t exactly groundbreaking, however: the user uploads a photo of the wall, which the display then sets as its wallpaper, allowing it to blend in.

You can use the effect to frame art that isn’t behind your television at all, giving you the option to “hang” digital art on what appears to be a decidedly analog piece of drywall. And if your existing decorating scheme favors lines and angles that match the bezels on the TV — an unlikely, but not impossible notion — you could use this feature to mount a TV that really would be invisible to anyone who wasn’t looking closely.
At first glance I thought it might have it's own camera to "blend in", but just uploading a pic makes more sense. And I guess your "artwork" can be whatever you want.... including 60" images of your favorite porn star on your wall if you want. The Mrs will be so pleased.

I guess the catch is you have to leave the TV on 24/7 now for this benefit... more spying time, more power usage, etc
The introduction of these always-on modes is pretty irresponsible. I was excited when I first saw them, thinking maybe it was an e-paper-like mode that the screen could switch into to display something other than a black square while the set was powered off. Sadly it is just leaving the TV on. The typical power consumption for the Q9F 65" is 130W, max 305W. I'm guessing it is more likely to approach the max when the brightness is turned up to look good in your typical well-lit living space.

I guess leaving the TV on all of the time will wear it out faster, which is exactly what these manufacturers want.

Surprisingly they are guaranteeing these against burn-in.
Can't you do this on any current monitor or TV that supports wallpaper? Pretty sure my Chromecast let's me do this too.
Ya, that's a pretty irresponsible thing to do, unless it somehow uses a very small amount of power, say on the scale of an alarm clock.

I have a 78" samsung 4K TV, and it makes me insane how slow the user interface is.
When did analog and physical become synonymous?
How is a drywall analog again?
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Honestly, this looks really great - even though it's irresponsible and totally a feature nobody was asking for.
The introduction of these always-on modes is pretty irresponsible. I was excited when I first saw them, thinking maybe it was an e-paper-like mode that the screen could switch into to display something other than a black square while the set was powered off. Sadly it is just leaving the TV on. The typical power consumption for the Q9F 65" is 130W, max 305W. I'm guessing it is more likely to approach the max when the brightness is turned up to look good in your typical well-lit living space.

I guess leaving the TV on all of the time will wear it out faster, which is exactly what these manufacturers want.

Surprisingly they are guaranteeing these against burn-in.

I didn't realize how much power some TVs consume. That's crazy!

Q9F was tested (see below) to not to retain the image, so no burn in. Most LCDs don't, but they have verified image retention to exist on a select few LCD TVs, which surprised me.
Wait until Samsung Reel-Windohz (tm) goes on the fritz and no one wants to fix it.
