Samurai Showdown 2 - Xbox live this Wednesday, online play.


Nov 14, 2005
Sweet mother of jesus! The greatest fighting game ever, one in which I've dumped hundreds of dollars into back when arcades were still around, is now coming to Live - complete with online play.

Was this already known? If so, why didn't anybody tell me!

The soy-blood pumps ever stronger in my veins. Fear the Wan Fu!

SNK's retro fighter Samurai Shodown 2..... will all arrive on Xbox 360 this Wednesday, September 10, as the system's latest downloadble games.
.... while Mine Loader Software's port of Samurai Shodown 2, which packs online play, will go for 400 Microsoft Points ($5)
That's cool. I've *long* since forgotten how to play it, but I think I might get it anyway.
Hopefully the online play isn't laggy like SF2 is. Makes the experience almost worthless.
Hopefully the online play isn't laggy like SF2 is. Makes the experience almost worthless.

Indeed. You'd think it would be easy to recreate a game from 10 years ago with current technology - so it's surprising to see how many of these retro ports end up being poorly done. And you're right, it mostly comes down to netcode.

If SS2 ends up being done really well though, I'll be tempted to pick up one of those Hori sticks.
Such a good port!

Been playing for about an hour now, and the 'ol nostalgia is flowing. I love it. It seems like they put a decent amount of thought into this title.

I notice some of the graphics, such as highlights, have this flicker to them. Almost like the refresh rate is off or something. But after awhile I don't even notice it - and I'm certainly not going to rate this game off of graphics.

Online seems relatively lag free. Everything is as fast as I remember. When you go online into the lobby, you always get to see the other guys' ping - which is great. Most people I run into have a ping below a hundred. And if you feel the other persons ping is too high, you can opt out of the match. Another welcome feature is after a (non-ranked) match, you can simply choose to play the same person again. It doesn't force you back into the lobby like some ports do. So matches are occurring very frequently. It's nice.

By far the worst part about playing this game is the godamn d-pad. It's embarrassing just how atrocious this thing really is. Tomorrow I think I'm going to go and pick up one of those Hori sticks.
Cool... I might have to try out the trial version. My Samurai Shodown gaming experience has been limited to the Game Gear version.