Sandisk Extreme 240GB SSD $150

great deal. bought it last year @ the 130 price tag. just bought another one!
i remember buying this over a year ago when the price was 160 on a deal.... good to see prices coming down. Nice for me to see i picked up a badass SSD for uber cheap even 1+ years ago.
Warm deal, these were regularly going for 130 last year.
Warm deal, these were regularly going for 130 last year.

regularly? Hardly. That was a one time sale at Staples. They were usually $150-$170.
Anyway, at $150, that's a great price TODAY. Heck, it's great compared to the last 6 months.

Hamburgers at McD's used to be $0.10 each. What's your point? That's not the price today.

holy crap.. they've as of right now they've sold 708 of these in the past 24 hours according to ebay!