Sandy Bridge i7 Specs by Intel HERE


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2005
i5 specs too

FYI ..... Seems to be some DEBUNK to the 1.38 max vcore now.

Check the specs for yourself under Datasheets (i7 here):

i5 Specs here:

Your looking for Table 7-5 in section 7.10.1 (Notice the MAX VID of 1.52).

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This isn't 100% "this is the absolute" info anyway, but I posted this exact same information awhile back here and in other threads:

From reports of people who have had the cpu's a couple of weeks already pre-release, they say 1.51v is the most you should try to push on air/etc. Personally I'll probably stick to 1.50v or 1.49v :).
It's also in 5-6 other threads..

While they may specify 1.52v maximum, even though it has only been out a week there seems to be a high number of SB's dyeing, so it makes sense to go easy for a bit and see how the land lies before really pushing them.

My theory is that flaky vdroop compensation is responsible:-
  1. cpu running in with speedstep - normal voltage
  2. turbo kicks in - slight voltage drop (vdroop)
  3. vdroop compensation on - normal voltage
  4. speed drops back (vdroop compensation still engaged) - voltage spike?????
  5. vdroop compensation off - normal voltage

There will be a slight delay @ step 4 before the voltage is brought down again, the question is how long, how much and you need more that a basic multimeter to get this info.
GoldenTiger, Sorry for the reoccurring post but I missed your post in that thread. I also helped spread the info on the 1.36 max VCore so I wanted to show both ends of the deal here. ;)

I agree with ya both though.

Wiseguy2001. I bet we see a new Bios update real soon on the vdroop issue. I'd bet some CPU's were killed by this already.
and allot of the failures do seem to be linked you one motherboard manufacturer (how does have a large market share anyway). I'm not going to say who it is as it is just a hunch.

I do hope this is the case and that it is just a bios update to fix it.
That max value is the max value that the hardware can store. It says nothing about what the processor itself is intended to handle in normal operation.
nmanley, didn't mean to come off as annoyed :)... I realized after posting since the extra info wasn't in its own thread it could easily be missed, not a bad idea to make a new one in the end ;).
nmanley, didn't mean to come off as annoyed :)... I realized after posting since the extra info wasn't in its own thread it could easily be missed, not a bad idea to make a new one in the end ;).

Never took it that way GT, thanks. I'm kinda old and try to look at people's post from more than one angle, good or bad before I get upset. LOL

And you are correct as to why I made the post of the info .... for easy of finding and sharing the knowledge.
High number of CPU's dying? Lol ... what?

Would you kindly mind providing proof? A few two or three threads where people specifically talk about over voltage killing their new Sandy Bridge CPU?

You do the freaking search! I've been online for 2 days (30+ HRS) searching stuff. BTW the CPUs and P67 board have been released WORLD WIDE!
I as well.

add me to this group, at least not until it's proven the chip is reliable at higher voltages. to be honest, i don't even have a need to OC my cpu at this point since it's plenty fast at 3.3Ghz for all the games i play. i'll still OC it because....well i like to tinker.