Sapphire HD4670 GDDR4


Limp Gawd
Jul 25, 2007
most people here probably wouldn't bother with a "weak" 4670... but i think it's actually a worthy card for a casual gamer (or someone just wanting a great low powered and cool running card)

the GDDR4 helps to work around the 128bit interface

newegg happens to have a great deal on this card right now (i overpaid because i bought it right when it came out):

i cant post in hot deals so here it is, for those interested
Personally I rather get this (a 4830)
90 with 10 MIR 80 after MIR

or this
95 with 20 dollar MIR 75 after MIR

Twice the gpu shaders and a 256 bit memory bus. Sure your gpu is 20 dollars cheaper (10 if you get the MIR with the Saphire, 5 if you get the MIR with the MSI). The MSI also includes Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 for free.

There is little reason to get a 4670 now with current gpu prices. The only reason to get a 4670 is due to the 50 watt power draw thus needing less psu and generating less heat. The 4770 is even more awesome than the 4830 and the 4670 but right now no one has it stock and it is going fro 100+. The better deal is the 4830.
i agree, the 4670 is not a great price/value card right now, especially with the new 4770 out

but like you said, its strong points are needing less power and generating less heat, which was what i was looking for (works great for tf2 and dota at 1680*1050 for me :))

i bought this back in january (i think) when it first came out and paid the $84.99 + tax + S/H... so yea, when i saw this today, oh well
I didnt know they still bothered with GDDR4.
What advantages does GDDR4 have over GDDR3?
the 4670 is a good casual gamer + htpc card especially with its low power draw..

gddr4 over gddr3 has the advantage of the bus speed.. just like 256bit gddr5 is comparable to 512bit bus gddr3.. 128bit bus gddr4 is comparable to 256bit bus gddr3.. the downfall to gddr4 is that you can hit the insanely high clock speeds on the ram like you can with gddr5.. so with the 4670 its pretty much comparable to the memory speeds of the 8800GT/9800GT with less cost.. gddr4 had a horrible reputation with the 3870 series just because the 3870 gpu was garbage for what it should have been.. ati never really pushed gddr4 to what it was capable of.. they instead jumped to gddr5 to make sure they could compete with the gtx 200 series.. but its still good to see that ati's using up whats left of their gddr4 stock instead of just binning it as a loss..
I threw one of these in my parent's pc and my firend threw one in his Wife's pc. They are nice lower end cards that don't require an additional power connector.
the 4670 is a good casual gamer + htpc card especially with its low power draw..

gddr4 over gddr3 has the advantage of the bus speed.. just like 256bit gddr5 is comparable to 512bit bus gddr3.. 128bit bus gddr4 is comparable to 256bit bus gddr3.. the downfall to gddr4 is that you can hit the insanely high clock speeds on the ram like you can with gddr5.. so with the 4670 its pretty much comparable to the memory speeds of the 8800GT/9800GT with less cost.. gddr4 had a horrible reputation with the 3870 series just because the 3870 gpu was garbage for what it should have been.. ati never really pushed gddr4 to what it was capable of.. they instead jumped to gddr5 to make sure they could compete with the gtx 200 series.. but its still good to see that ati's using up whats left of their gddr4 stock instead of just binning it as a loss..
that was painful to read not to mention very inaccurate. if you actually take a few seconds to look at the specs instead of just making up stuff you would see that in this case the gddr4 is a whole whopping 200mhz than the gddr3 4670. gddr4 on a 128bit bus is NOT comparable by a long shot to gddr3 on a 256bit bus. the 4670 even with gddr4 is still about HALF the bandwidth of the 8800gt/9800gt. gddr4 is nothing like the advantage that gddr5 has over gddr3 and in fact gddr3 can actually have faster max speeds than gddr4 since no more development was ever put into it.
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the 4670 is a good casual gamer + htpc card especially with its low power draw..

gddr4 over gddr3 has the advantage of the bus speed.. just like 256bit gddr5 is comparable to 512bit bus gddr3.. 128bit bus gddr4 is comparable to 256bit bus gddr3.. the downfall to gddr4 is that you can hit the insanely high clock speeds on the ram like you can with gddr5.. so with the 4670 its pretty much comparable to the memory speeds of the 8800GT/9800GT with less cost.. gddr4 had a horrible reputation with the 3870 series just because the 3870 gpu was garbage for what it should have been.. ati never really pushed gddr4 to what it was capable of.. they instead jumped to gddr5 to make sure they could compete with the gtx 200 series.. but its still good to see that ati's using up whats left of their gddr4 stock instead of just binning it as a loss..

GDDR4 is not close to the same as GDDR5, 128bit, is well 128bit =) and 1000mhz is 2000mhz, not 4000 like GDDR5 (i guess it's more like GQDR5?)