Sata 2.0 on SATA 3Gb/s mobo


Jul 6, 2005
Will a 80Gb Sata 2.0 drive work on this motherboard: Asus A8N-SLi SE nForce4 SLi

the motherboard specs says it supports SATA 3Gb/s. The shop i buy my components from only do sata 2.0 drives. thanx
Yes. Any sata drive will work on any sata2 interface, and vice versa. It's both backwards and forwards compatible.

Better in terms of speed, reliability, noise, what? Seagate 7200.8s are good disks, but they have a really high seek time, which doesn't make them good boot disks or game disks, which I assume is your goal. Samsungs are nice and quiet, and WD, Hitachi, or Maxtor makes a fast but rather hot disk. If it's just for storage I'd stick with Seagate, but for performance I'd look elsewhere.

Xipher said:
BTW SATA 2 = SATA 3GB/s (original SATA was 1.5GB/s)

That's not entirely true. One of the SATA2 features is 3gbps support, but there are a number of other features and revisions from SATA2 as well.
The thing is some manufacturers are using them as synonyms, its not my fault, just how they seem to be doing things (trying to show off speed). This is at least from what I have seen.
Xipher said:
The thing is some manufacturers are using them as synonyms, its not my fault, just how they seem to be doing things (trying to show off speed). This is at least from what I have seen.

Hmm, not sure which ones. All of the ones that I have seen use the SATA2 logo's are supporting 3gbps speeds among many other SATA2 features. I can't think of any manufacturers that only support 3gbps. Maxtor doesn't, that much I know for sure. :)

And yes, the interface speed is a marketing kind of thing for most people, but it can really help out in raid environments with port multipliers and such.
unhappy_mage said:
Better in terms of speed, reliability, noise, what? Seagate 7200.8s are good disks, but they have a really high seek time, which doesn't make them good boot disks or game disks, which I assume is your goal. Samsungs are nice and quiet, and WD, Hitachi, or Maxtor makes a fast but rather hot disk. If it's just for storage I'd stick with Seagate, but for performance I'd look elsewhere.

Western Digital Caviar Special Edition 80GB 800JD SATA-II 8MB Cache

this would be better than the seagate for performance then..

sorry about all the q's, but can you explain what exactly harddrives do when playing games, what exactly would take effect if buying a slow drive.thanx
Probably, yeah. Hard drives are used in games for loading data before any actual gameplay begins. When you see the "Loading" thing in half-life 2, for example, it's pulling map data, character animations, textures, and other stuff off the disk.

Also, even if you're not interested in the extra capacity, the 250 GB WDs (at about $100) are pretty dang fast, even compared to smaller versions of the same version drives.

SameSuspect said:
Will a 80Gb Sata 2.0 drive work on this motherboard: Asus A8N-SLi SE nForce4 SLi

the motherboard specs says it supports SATA 3Gb/s. The shop i buy my components from only do sata 2.0 drives. thanx

for the same price u can probably get a seagate 7200.9 160 gig drive
i dont really mind the load times.. as long as it doesnt take like 5 mins or slow down the gameplay