SATA hot-swap question


Feb 20, 2006
Quick question about SATA hot swap: I have the Commell LV-677 motherboard in a small backup server that I made. I am not using one of the onboard SATA ports (presumably from the ICH7M southbridge). It looks like these are SATA-150. If I attach an ESATA header to this port, will I be able to hot-swap external drives? I am unsure if this feature is available in SATA-150. If so, is there anything I need to change in the BIOS?
iirc, the hot swap ability is simply a part of the SATA standard in general, not tied to the first or second generation directly.
Thanks for the replies. The case does not currently have space for a ESATA header, so it will require a bit of modification to accommodate it. I wanted to make sure it was possible before I got out the drill. :D
I had an IT121 prof tell me that it will destroy the drive if u unblug it while it was on :rolleyes:
