SATA II on SATA board??


Mar 15, 2006
Can you use SATA II HD on SATA connection? I have a board with only SATA connection and I was wondering if SATA II harddrive would work on SATA connection.,1697,1828252,00.asp

3Gbps. Not all SATA-II devices are required to run at 3Gbps, but the increased speed is there for applications and drives that want to take advantage of it. 3Gbps drives are completely backward compatible—you can plug them into a first-generation SATA system, but they'll just move data at a maximum 1.5Gbps. Cables are compatible, and first-generation SATA drives will work fine in systems that support 3Gbps although the drives themselves will still be 1.5Gbps.

From that above, i'd say Yes.
Yup, you'll be fine, it's kinda like with usb 2.0 and 1.1, it might not be optimal and I guess there could be cases where 2 is absolutely required, but will work just fine for almost anything.
my hitachi Sata2 drives were originally in sata 1 mode when they came and I had to switch them to sata 2 mode manually but the switching utility warned me of not putting a sata 2 mode drive on a sata1 mode port. I havent tried doing it tho