SATA issues..... plz help


Mar 15, 2001
I'm building a comp for my brothers friend. We got him a 3000+ athlon XP, an Asus K8V SE - Deluxe, 2x512MB DDR400, and a Western Digital SATA 120GB Drive.
everythink seems to be working right except i cant load windows.
The drive pics up fine in the bios, but when i go to load windows it can't find the drive. I have installed the Sata driver that came on the asus CD, but that didnt work. I then tried to get the latest from the net. No use, Windows won't install.

I dont have much experience with 3rd party controlers, anyone have any ideas or tips to help me out ?

When you say you can't load Windows: is that it won't boot, or it won't install? If it won't install, you need to press F8 I think at the start to tell it you need to load RAID/SCSI drivers in order to install properly. If it won't boot properly, you may have to enable something in the BIOS (I don't know what, it depends on the mobo).
press f6 when it asks for you to install third party drivers for raid or scsi, and use the floppy disk that came with the drive to install the drivers. then windows will be able to see the drive during the install.

there should really be a sticky with this info in it, since so many people ask about it
windows worn't install. i've tried loading the drivers after hitting f6. the install still won't pick up the drive.
compslckr said:
there should really be a sticky with this info in it, since so many people ask about it

I've got a little something like that in the pipeline - I'll include little tidbits like that in it ;)
S[H]ady said:
windows worn't install. i've tried loading the drivers after hitting f6. the install still won't pick up the drive.

Try letting the the default Windows drivers load instead of your own. If that doesn't work, you may need to configure your BIOS again to make sure it is all set up and ready to go.
Ok now I've tried to get windows to pick it up on it's own. When the setup runs it says "Can not continue. No mass storage device found" or something like that.

It doesn't pick up with the 3rd party drivers, or the standard windows drivers. I'm running out of ideas here..