SATA RAM or Volatile SSD for Swap/Temp Drive?


Aug 22, 2004
I'm considering adding an SSD to my computer for swap and temp files. Since none of these files need to be retained after rebooting, I wouldn't even need the drive to be non-volatile; basically, if cheap RAM could be attached to a SATA bus, that would suit my needs just fine. :D

So, does a fast volatile SATA drive exist? Of course, I'd be happy to use non-volatile SSD, but I figured I'd see if there was something volatile out there; it might be cheaper and/or faster. If not, are there any particular high-speed SSD drives you'd recommend (16GB or bigger)?
Ah, interesting finds.

Looks like the i-RAM is reasonably-priced ($118 + DDR1), but maxes out at 4GB. That's not really enough for both swap and temp.

The ANS-9010 seems absolutely awesome, but I'm not sure I can justify that expense ($354 + DDR2).

Thanks for the tips! Anyone know of anything similar to the ANS-9010 but less expensive (I don't need SD backup or RAID)? Or have any high-speed SSD recommendations that would be cheaper than the ANS-9010?
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