Sawtooth to Digital Audio G4 migration question


Jan 20, 2003
Currently running a Sawtooth G4 with os X Panther - but bought a Digital Audio G4 as an "upgrade" ( I know, not much of an upgrade - but got a great deal and should be able to sell the Sawtooth for about the same amount)

Can I simply slap the hard drive in the new machine and expect it to work fine? Or should I do a reinstall? Any info would be appreciated. I hate to screw up my perfectly running OS. I of course have already backed up anything of importance.
Thanks for the info.

I'm assuming my Radeon 8500 will be a better video choice than the Nvidia card in the DA G4? And if so, can I put the Nvidia card (stock "NV11") in the Sawtooth machine (it has an extra tab towards the front of the agp slot)? Eventually I think I will get a 9600 Pro card.
if you want to remove any worry at all, just run the setup assistant included in panther. it will get everything over for you, its fast (firewire) and its incredibly easy. i just used it last weekend with my old ibook and my new powerbook.
I don't think there are any 9600s for the G4s. They have different AGP slots. You have to hardmod your card with a bandsaw to get the card to fit...
Black Morty Rackham said:
I don't think there are any 9600s for the G4s. They have different AGP slots. You have to hardmod your card with a bandsaw to get the card to fit...
I love chopping up hardware! sells a pre-modded 9600 for for $119 usd which isn't too bad. Not sure if it would be worth getting as I already have about that same amount of money in the 8500. And I don't play games. But if it opens my windows 3 nanoseconds faster, then hey it's worth it.
Window performance is very seldom limited by the GPU in Mac OS... Even my old PowerMac G3 with a Rage 128 with 16 megs of VRAM could handle the window drawing action quite smoothly. The slow CPU held it back, though. The only real reason to get a 9600 instead of a 8500 is if you play games or something else that specifically uses the GPU alot, or if you MUST get the ripples in Dashboard. ;) Of course, video and image editing apps will hopefully get GPU-acceleration when Tiger comes around... so if you do stuff like that, it'll be worth it.
huh? When I went from the original ATI 128 card to the Radeon 8500, there was a HUGE difference in the speed of drawing the screen, resizing windows, and especially Expose' - I'd never go back to that video card. I may wait for the Radeon 9800 pro's to drop even further in price. (I play games - but I have a screaming fast PC for games ;) )

Well everything transfered over just fine. The Geforce2 MX that was in the Dig.Aud. works fine in the Sawtooth. I've got to buy some more ram as all I have for PC133 is two sticks of Crucial 256meg Cas2, I need at least two 512's cas2 to satisfy my needs. Also the PSU fan in this new box is going bad (too danged loud) so I will change that out. Next upgrade will probably be an ATA100 card so that I can use a 200gig drive. Then eventually a Dual 1.2ghz or higher cpu card whenever I find one cheap enough.