scanjet 4670


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2004
Hi all,
just to pass along my experience with this HP scanner. After three (one I bought, two replacements) I got the technical support representative to admit that HP got a bad batch of RAM on the scanner. As a result, many large scans (usually grey or sepia toned) reveal 1/2 inch vertical bands through the image. Their SW is terrible, too, but that's another story. Anyhow, their Indian technical support was pretty good. I was really blunt with them about how bad the HW was.
After admitting that the HW was fundamentally flawed, they are sending me a totally different model (a 5550c). Bottom line, don't buy this scanner. At least HP stands behind their stuff, although I probably shouldn't have had to put up with all this crap.
Nice to know you got them to admit the flaw. I had a burner from them years back that they refused to fix EVEN THOUGH I OFFERED TO PAY FOR THE REPAIRS!
I can say I've seen some internal docs stating the memory used in the scanners was bad. If anyone is having a problem with it, they can always call up and have the issue addressed.

As far as the cd burners, we have always just rebadged them, and if you look over the vast number of years we've sold them, we've switched OEMs quite a few times...and from what I've read, it's been because the OEM refused to back up their products and help us replace any defective ones. HP has always stood by the quality of the products we make, but if your getting a bad internal part for it, there isn't much that can be done besides admit it and try to work with customers to fix any problems. I woman in my office has the scanner your getting now, and it works wonders.

As far as our software goes, it's intended for anyone, including the not so computer savy. I just open Paint Shop Pro and import the images from the scanner that way, instead of running the full blown suite.
I've seen three different models of HP consumer/prosumer level scanners in use and their results. Slow, digital noise in dark areas of scans, obtuse drivers, etc. Just an all around bad experience. I was not impressed with any of them.

The two recent epsons I've had experience with, however, did a damn good job. And I liked the interface of my ancient Mustek Astra 2100, though its seen better days. Still workin (mostly) after almost 6 years, though.
