Scard of Games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2004
Anyone scared to start a new game because school/work? I'm scared to play anymore games because I dropped outta school for a year to play CS and now AOE3 is about to release, I scared.
No, but I'm scared of people that drop out of school to play CS.
Okay, so you better not get the game if you wanna be successful in school I would say. You'll have to find another hobby. Or deal with the problem.
MaMMa said:
Anyone scared to start a new game because school/work? I'm scared to play anymore games because I dropped outta school for a year to play CS and now AOE3 is about to release, I scared.

It's called "Live at home with your mom for the rest of your life" syndrome.

That's a problem
I love drop out of skewl? Never crossed my mind. If anything I wanted to make games...didn't go that route though ;)
damn i guess im the only one? Yea I admit that was stupid but now I've put games down and getting nothing but A's so I'm headed towards the right direction. :)
MaMMa said:
damn i guess im the only one? Yea I admit that was stupid but now I've put games down and getting nothing but A's so I'm headed towards the right direction. :)

Well that is good. Just don't let it happen again when AOE3 comes.
na, what you do is you book a week of work, with the rest of yr clan and session BF2 !!!!!!
you therefore get paid to play!!!
please dont loook down on me :(

I've recieved help and I havent played a game of CS in over 8 months
leave the guy alone, if it was college he dropped out of, oh well its only a semester.
its all about priorities and knowing whats most important in your life.
if cs was most importatnt at that time, let it be.
now what the hell is aoe3?
thats the real question here.
when you get out on your own, the bills dont get paid by kill to death ratio
but theres times when you play too much, stay up too late etc
Games should never be a priority over school, especially in this day where education is usually a means for success in life, unless you're looking to become a pro-gamer.
Were you over 18? If not then your parents should have been kicking your ass everyday until you went to school.
I agree, yea I was over 18, I was 19? and I pay half the bills at the house so I guess thats a bit better?
I game over summer because i usually get bored during the day and sometimes when i get insominia at night i play so it works out

during school year im always too busy
Actually, yes. I debated getting WoW for months, until a friend gave me his 10-day-trial. I tried it, and have decided that I don't want it, and my not-wanting-it is because it's so cool. I'm starting college this fall, and I really don't want to mess it up. If I got WoW, I would spend every second on it. So yeah, I like WoW, but I'm not getting it for my own good.
MMORPGs are the devil

one of my best friends quit highschool junior year and lost himself about 5 jobs because of EQ/CS/WoW.

its really kind of sad how little self control he has
I can't stand playing one game for like months at a time, I start to lose interest so I keep things fresh. I play one game for a short period of time(maybe a day or 2) and jump to the next and so on, I have about 15 games in rotation.

And dropping out of school...... :(
i never get scared of starting a online multiplayer game

sometimes i wont start a single player game if i dont think ill be able to finish it

i dunno if id call it scared tho =/
there's not one game that I have played and not beaten except far cry, lost interest very early in the game.
Jesus whats wrong with you people. I like WoW but I dont let it interfere with my personal/school life.

Seriously, get help.
Agree...WoW is good and all, but it's just a fantasy mmo, albeit a good one. Once the next big thing comes out, we'll have a bunch of posts saying this or that game is better than WoW by a mile i'd imagine...
Good to see your getting A's tho..Education=Good job in the future which= More money to build computer to play games.. ;)
I pretty much only play battlefield(2 now) and I played dod for a while before it came out, I'll probably play source when it comes out(primarily a war based fps player), and I can't stand to play hours on end. When I first started pc gaming a couple years ago when I got into cs 1.5 with my old compaq(700mhz, 64mb ram, 8mb TNT graphics) I could play all day, but it got old and I had friends that I should have been hanging out with instead. Now I can't play for more than a couple hours, heck the day after I bought bf2 I don't think I played it at all because I played for too long the day I got it.
you young ones ain't shit compared to a girlfriend who wants your time. CS, BF2 and GTA3? I better get her hooked on GTA3 quick or I'm gonna feel grief for some time to come :eek:
G'ßöö said:
you young ones ain't shit compared to a girlfriend who wants your time. CS, BF2 and GTA3? I better get her hooked on GTA3 quick or I'm gonna feel grief for some time to come :eek:

Showed my wife the Worms 4: Mayhem Demo ... she's hooked and pre-ordered it, now I can play BF2 in relative peace. :)
I'd classify a wife/girlfriend as a hands-on interactive dating sim with role playing elements... And MUCH more fun to play with :)
kamxam said:
I'd classify a wife/girlfriend as a hands-on interactive dating sim with role playing elements... And MUCH more fun to play with :)
'Cept you can't pause her or go back to previous save point if she's pissed...too bad. :D

kamxam said:
Actually you can go back to a previous point...Just takes a gem tho :)

That is called enabling console to skip ahead a level.