Scary games


Jan 6, 2004
What are the games that freaked you out the most?

Combine startling, creepy, and suspenseful and then tally it. Im curious to hear what you guys have to say.

For me, it's:

1. Silent HIll (I thought it would be another RE clone but it shocked me)
2. RE4 (amazing, simply amazing)
3. RE2 (bad controls but the story was great)
4. Doom 3 (amazing what a lack of story and bad lighting can do)
Doom 3. You nailed it. The first time i played that game, I really was scared. now when ever im walking around, I look twice at a staircase (are you SUUURe theres no dead things behind those stairs?), Fat guys just out of an italian restaurante (are you SUUUURe thats spagetti sauce?), and dead guys hanging from the cieling (???).

Umm Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time: Bottem of the Well & Shadow Temple. Hey its not that scary to you and me, but when you're a mere 8 years old? thats some scary stuff. Aww dont worry its just some guy wonder---OHHH WHATS HE DOING TO MY NECK.

System Shock 2. This game felt like it was playing me. I was addicted but at the same time, I really dreaded playing. You're constantly running from these alien bastards, with no hope of real rest. you know, sometimes, i just wanted to like, get some automated guns, put em up around me, and have a snooze, but NOOOO. It had just the right ammount of RPG-ness to it. When i was on the rickenbaker, i had a ton of money, went down to the first floor, bought just a monstrous ammount of regular bullets, and when i was in the body of the beast, i had over 300 or something? yeah. I went full auto the rest of the way. CS:1.6 is a spray and pray game, SS2 is not. spraying in that game was fuuuunnn. espicially with a weapon that powerful (standard weapons: Level 6 (max)). I am 100% ready for some Bioshock. that game looks awsome, i hope its as good as SS2, hell if its half as good i'd be happy.
Condemned: Criminal Origins was kinda scary with a decent story line.
Condemned: Criminal Origins was kinda scary with a decent story line.
It was alright, but most of the scares were pretty cheap shots. I thought FEAR did a better job with the creepy atmosphere, but unfortunately it's a bit less effective, since it becomes evident pretty early on that none of the creepy stuff can actually hurt you.

The zombie sequences in the original Thief probably top my list. Very unnerving wandering around that huge ruined section of the city knowing it's infested with something you can't kill...
Fatal Frame 2

Scarest adventure game..eva!
Game creeps me out some much I'm having a hard time completing it but I'm enjoying it at the same time.
doom3 was the scariest game I've ever played...I couldn't make it through.
Condemned: Criminal Origins was kinda scary with a decent story line.

I actually found this to be competitive with Silent Hill scare-wise. While there were occasional cheap-shot scares, the atmosphere was incredibly tense due to the "just on the edge of sight" enemies mixed with the dark and creepy setting and gameplay. (God DAMN those mannequins:( )

The storyline suffered in the same vein as Indigo Prophecy. It was good most of the while until it tries to add too much complication and turns it incomprehensible.

Something I appreciated in Condemned is that it managed to strike a good balance between making your character capable, while making sure you're still vulnerable enough to worry. The combat was great fun.
For me, it was Doom 1. No other game was like it, and when you were walking around the heard the snorting noises, my hair would stand up on end.
System Shock 2 is the scariest game I have ever played, D3 was scary in the beginning but once you get the hang of the game it loses its scariness due to the player being able to anticipate when enemies would pop out.

Silent Hill 1/2 are also up there, aswell as playing a Marine in AVP.
I'm voting for Condemned. Spooked the crap out of me. The ambient sounds and lack of many ranged weapons MADE that game. You couldn't really just make distance and fire almost always HAD to get close.
Doom 3 seemed scary at first, but they just kept throwing those same imps at you and after you've killed 200 of them it's tough to get scared by them any longer. That and the whole "have an imp jump at you when you open this door" trick stopped working after the 3rd time they did it...yet they kept doing it the WHOLE GAME.
FEAR had some good moments when you first run into those inviso-ninja guys. Problem is, they more or less stopped showing up.
I love scary games!!!

One of my favorites is Clive Barker's Undying. The game is about repaying a debt to an old friend and when you go to his mansion on an island complete with standing stones and a masoleum, there are monsters, ghosts, pirates and nice scenery. Having a 4 speaker setup made it even more scary because the sounds are very well done. It's from 2001 and uses the Unreal engine.

Another one I like is an adventure game called Scratches (IGN review: It has a spooky atmosphere and is slow and deliberate.

Third would be Resident Evil 4. It's not so scary in the sense of those two, but it's creepy and is a very fun game.

For scary games, I don't care about the genre, but the game and it's reason enough to own a PC, 360, PS2 and 'Cube. Hopefully RE5 will own too!

I'm also looking forward to Left 4 Dead. With 3 friends that could be an awesome MP experience :)
I'm voting for Condemned. Spooked the crap out of me. The ambient sounds and lack of many ranged weapons MADE that game. You couldn't really just make distance and fire almost always HAD to get close.
Doom 3 seemed scary at first, but they just kept throwing those same imps at you and after you've killed 200 of them it's tough to get scared by them any longer. That and the whole "have an imp jump at you when you open this door" trick stopped working after the 3rd time they did it...yet they kept doing it the WHOLE GAME.
FEAR had some good moments when you first run into those inviso-ninja guys. Problem is, they more or less stopped showing up.

Another vote for Condemned...awesome game!
Doom used to give me nightmares. the sound of the imps never got out of my head.

System Shock 2 made me panic to the point of sweating. Running low on ammo, and then 3 of those zombie fuckers come around the corner. "Join us!" I've never dreaded a security camera so much. Those alarms messed with my head so much, sweat and panic like a mofo.

Resident Evil 2. I could not play that game longer than 2 hour spurts. It would fuck with my head, and I just had to turn the PSX off. One time I avoided the bathroom for like 3 hours. Zombies man. They're in there...

I was 10 with Doom.
17 with RE2, and 18 when I played Shock2.
Doom used to give me nightmares. the sound of the imps never got out of my head.

System Shock 2 made me panic to the point of sweating. Running low on ammo, and then 3 of those zombie fuckers come around the corner. "Join us!" I've never dreaded a security camera so much. Those alarms messed with my head so much, sweat and panic like a mofo.

Resident Evil 2. I could not play that game longer than 2 hour spurts. It would fuck with my head, and I just had to turn the PSX off. One time I avoided the bathroom for like 3 hours. Zombies man. They're in there...

I was 10 with Doom.
17 with RE2, and 18 when I played Shock2.

RE2. I guess I'm roughly the same age as you. That one actually made me drop my controller and squeal like a little bitch when the lickers started chasing me. Still one of my top games of all time.
shalebridge cradle (Thief 3)

Haha yep, by far the scariest level in any game, period. I actually ran out of my room screaming. It took me 2 days to get the courage to load the game back up and try to complete the level.

Second scariest would have to be System Shock 2. The game isn't about quick moments of monsters jumping out of you going "boo". Rather, its this constant feel of dread and panic that you have while making your way through this abandoned space ship. Truly an award winning game.
Nothing comes close to system shock 2. I wish they would make games like that with today's graphics. Sadly, most of today's games suck.
Nothing comes close to system shock 2. I wish they would make games like that with today's graphics. Sadly, most of today's games suck.

Hopefully Bioshock will give you that feeling, but im douting it more and more everytime I watch a video of the game...

I loved playing SS2 in COOP, was sooo fun.
Phantasmagoria messed me up when I was young :eek:

Doom 1 made me hate that sound, you know which one. Overall not that scary of a game though.

Doom 3 was great in the ambiance that it set up and held throughout the whole story.

Theres a few others but I really never got into the scary game scene because they were either too predictable, all about the gore, or just had no story to them.
Hopefully Bioshock will give you that feeling, but im douting it more and more everytime I watch a video of the game...

I loved playing SS2 in COOP, was sooo fun.

I don't see how Bioshock is going to be any good. The visual style is way too kiddie/cartoonish for me. They also have pretty much stated that they don't care about the PC for this game :rolleyes: Only console I have is a Wii, so there is another reason why I doubt I will play that game. I'm not going to play something where the PC version is simply an afterthought ala Deus Ex 2.

RE4 was mildly scary, I guess. I liked the RE4 story/gameplay. I can't really think of any scary games I have played recently. I didn't find Doom3 or FEAR to be scary. Doom 3 didn't scare me, but I was slightly startled the first couple times an enemy jumped out of nowhere. Is the doom3 expansion worth playing?
I don't see how Bioshock is going to be any good. The visual style is way too kiddie/cartoonish for me. They also have pretty much stated that they don't care about the PC for this game :rolleyes: Only console I have is a Wii, so there is another reason why I doubt I will play that game. I'm not going to play something where the PC version is simply an afterthought ala Deus Ex 2.

RE4 was mildly scary, I guess. I liked the RE4 story/gameplay. I can't really think of any scary games I have played recently. I didn't find Doom3 or FEAR to be scary. Doom 3 didn't scare me, but I was slightly startled the first couple times an enemy jumped out of nowhere. Is the doom3 expansion worth playing?

mind posting a link where they said they don't care about the PC version?
And if you think Bioshock looks kiddie/ got issues :D
mind posting a link where they said they don't care about the PC version?
And if you think Bioshock looks kiddie/ got issues :D

While I don't think it looks cartoonish, I don't think it has the whole dark and grim look that other games achieve, it just hs too much color and plastic look to it. System Shock 2 just looked scary at times...
While I don't think it looks cartoonish, I don't think it has the whole dark and grim look that other games achieve, it just hs too much color and plastic look to it. System Shock 2 just looked scary at times...

It looks retro and claustrophobic to me. I mean it's just a "normal" city that the ocean is slowly taking back and filling up with water. I think if anything it'll be more disturbing than scary (Like Silent Hill 2)
Another for fatal frame 2

Although I definitely would leave my gaming room for my conveniently WELL LIT kitchen for “a drink” while playing doom 3, but jeez you don’t even get a gun in FF… a camera, a freaking camera!
Another for fatal frame 2

Although I definitely would leave my gaming room for my conveniently WELL LIT kitchen for “a drink” while playing doom 3, but jeez you don’t even get a gun in FF… a camera, a freaking camera!

It also doesn't help that your avatar is a 13 year old girl and not an adult super soldier.
maybe not scary, but I remember playing Sanitarium and it was a little unsettling at times. To this day though I think RE2 holds the record for making me jump the highest. Not sure how far into the game it was but its when the Licker bursts through the one way glass in the interrogation room at the police station, was playing with all the lights off to boot :).
Not necessarily scary but definitely scared me and my buddy. Doom 1. I got a computer in my room and got the brilliant idea that one night when my buddy was over that we would play. We sat at my computer desk with the lights off and started playing, only I got the brilliant idea...."Hey let's try this with headphones on!" Seemed like a good idea at the time. Well the first imp that came around a corner and screamed at us we both fell to the floor outta our chairs and about shit our pants. He still has issues going into my old room at my rents house some 10+yrs later!!!
There have been several scary PARTS of games I've played. Among them are the Shadar Logoth levels of The Wheel of Time game (The Mashadar would keep me up at night). The Ravenholm levels of HL2. A few others I'm not probably remembering right now, but the scariest I've played has to be the They Hunger SP mod for HL1. The things that I tend to find scarier in games aren't the "Boo! There's a ghost in the cupboard!" moments so much as the "Oh, Crap....There are 5 things after me, I only have 3 bullets and an umbrella, and I don't know where I'm going" moments. The ones where you're being chased (however slowly - zombie's aren't exactly speed demons) with very limited resources. They Hunger did that extremely well. (BTW, can't wait until Lost Souls comes out.)

One game that always pops up on PC scary game lists is Thief: Deadly Shadows.
I guess there's a level called Shalebridge Cradle that people have said is the best designed and spookiest level of all time.
I've never played it, but have read about it enough times that I figured I'd mention it.
RE2. I guess I'm roughly the same age as you. That one actually made me drop my controller and squeal like a little bitch when the lickers started chasing me. Still one of my top games of all time.

Dude, the room with the 2 candles and the portrait on the wall. That puzzle, you know, everything is quiet and then BAM! The giant mofo jumps THROUGH the wall!
That part made me just about piss myself. I dropped the controller and scrambled to pick it up while he did his slow walk towards me.

I had a pistol and no bullets.

Yeah, that was one of the days I had to just turn the thing off. I was so freaked out.


Oh yeah, I'm 24 now. RE4 wasn't scary. Go figure.