Schmidt And Jobs Weren't Pals After All

You mean we'd end up dead as an angry old man?

Kind of like...

Steve Jobs?

As much as people had been revering shortly after his death the media is kind of painting that picture. A man that ended up killing himself and then spouting a bunch of vitriol at his competitors from the grave full of regret over how he handled his medical condition. The epitome of an angry old man.
It's not so much stealing ideas, but stealing ideas and then engaging maximum butthurt whenever the shoe is on the other foot.

apple is a corp. with shareholders.
they must do everything in their power to maximize profits for its shareholders. I don't see anything wrong them trying to sell their products. They like to add suspense and magical terms when releasing their products. Its just marketing that Jobs might have come up with.

And everyone "steals" product ideas. take for example the automobile. did all the car makers steal ford's idea of the auto? no. they just perfected it by adding features. Its the same thing apple does. They take a product and add their style to it and sell it to consumers for maximum profit.
This wasn't exactly a recent development for Jobs:
If you tell [Steve Jobs] a new idea, he'll usually tell you that he thinks it's stupid. But then, if he actually likes it, exactly one week later, he'll come back to you and propose your idea to you, as if he thought of it.

Note the author - Andy Hertzfeld. Look him up if you don't recognize the name.
You people need to stop drinking the Haterade! Have some respect, at least his company isn't tracking every breath you take like facebook.

I give as much respect as I get -- Steve really had no respect for anyone. He's been caught up in hypocritical lie after lie. He had anger and control issues.

He has a proven track record of screwing his partners and businesses over, why would people think that's genius? Oh that's right -- because he gave the world a smooth shiny toy that while interesting still sucked out of the box.

Steve only cares about steve - if I had a few billion dollars I might be a jerk sometimes, this guy went out of his way to piss people off.

Any man that thinks it's okay for him to steal ideas but no one else, can rot in hell. I'm kinda sad he isn't around though, would have been fun if he lasted another 5 years to watch the demise of the entire "i" line of products. Android is overtaking because more and more people are realizing they are tired of paying shit tons of money for something that doesn't do some of the most basic things.

When you think about it Steve gave the world absolutely nothing -- he rented it to you for a price and you weren't allowed to request or question a damn thing.
The iPhone was Jobs' invention

That's not true. Technically the fans of the Ipod were the invention as they were begging him to do an phone product for ages.

And Steve didn't design the Iphone... the engineer's he employed did. If I remember correctly, even the Ipod wasn't his idea.
apple is a corp. with shareholders.
they must do everything in their power to maximize profits for its shareholders. I don't see anything wrong them trying to sell their products. They like to add suspense and magical terms when releasing their products. Its just marketing that Jobs might have come up with.

And everyone "steals" product ideas. take for example the automobile. did all the car makers steal ford's idea of the auto? no. they just perfected it by adding features. Its the same thing apple does. They take a product and add their style to it and sell it to consumers for maximum profit.

Daimler-Benz invented the automobile. Henry Ford perfected the assembly line. None of the ideas such as GUI, touch screen, or icons were invented by Steve Jobs or Apple. At this point, those things don't "belong" to anyone. Jobs' genius was marketing hype, and product promotion. He wasn't Jesus or God, and didn't create the Universe.

Steve Jobs was a legend in his own mind. He thought because he pushed technology for the masses he owned the rights to ALL of it. He, and his current Apple brethren are power-hungry arrogant control freaks. Give the patent troll crap a rest already Apple, you don't own the planet. X-(
It's incredible to see all these people who are failures at life complain about a man who invented his own series of world renowned products and founded the (at one point) most valuable company on the planet.
it's not steve jobs that most techs hate. it's those retarded apple fanatics we all hate.

Apple still dominates the phone and MP3 industry and customers only flow to where the good products are in the long run.