Scientists Claim They Found a Drug That “Significantly Reverses Memory Loss”


Aug 20, 2006
Researchers at Lancaster University may have inadvertently stumbled upon the building blocks of a potential cure for Alzheimer’s disease. A drug being developed for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes was found to improve brain function in an experiment that included mice with compromised memory and difficulty learning.

“The way the drug works is that it can help neurons to repair and restore their functions again. It cannot bring back dead neurons — once they are gone, they are gone,” lead author Christian Holscher of Lancaster University told Futurism. “However, there are a lot of stressed neurons that are still alive but no longer function properly. That’s where the window of opportunity lies.”
and side effects include bloody explosive diarrhea, twisting genitalia, premature ejaculatory death, insanity and delusions that your mind is better
What's interesting is that the combination they've come up with seems to be targeted towards diabetes and metabolism: Glucagon, GLP-1 (Glucagon-like-Peptide), and GIP (Gastric Inhibitory Peptide). These are metabolic hormones and the combination seems to be designed to lower blood glucose and modify appetite.
I'm waiting for the day when we'll see this kind of discovery:

Scientists Discover An Acid That Can Eat Through Anything But Can't Find Anything To Store It In

And on a more serious note, as someone that was a caregiver for his own Mom during the last few years of her life as Alzheimer's ravaged her memories, I am also all for anything that's truly helpful. After witnessing her basically losing everything over years of time I swear I don't think I'd wish that disease on my worst enemy, it's really seriously something I despise utterly.
What's interesting is that the combination they've come up with seems to be targeted towards diabetes and metabolism: Glucagon, GLP-1 (Glucagon-like-Peptide), and GIP (Gastric Inhibitory Peptide). These are metabolic hormones and the combination seems to be designed to lower blood glucose and modify appetite.

If there's something that can reliably and non-surgically suppress my appetite I'm all for it.

I'm waiting for the day when we'll see this kind of discovery:

Scientists Discover An Acid That Can Eat Through Anything But Can't Find Anything To Store It In

And on a more serious note, as someone that was a caregiver for his own Mom during the last few years of her life as Alzheimer's ravaged her memories, I am also all for anything that's truly helpful. After witnessing her basically losing everything over years of time I swear I don't think I'd wish that disease on my worst enemy, it's really seriously something I despise utterly.

Magnetic bottle?

Though that's more in line with can god make a rock so big even god can't lift it? or from some stoner movie I saw a long time ago, can god microwave a burrito so hot god couldn't eat it?
and side effects include bloody explosive diarrhea, twisting genitalia, premature ejaculatory death, insanity and delusions that your mind is better
It gives you dementia, but at least you get to keep your memories of it.

Maybe, but I do know over the counter speed, aka massive quantities of caffeine pills, does nothing for either my energy levels or appetite. So much for the high flying diet technology of the 1950's and 60's.
I'm waiting for the day when we'll see this kind of discovery:

Scientists Discover An Acid That Can Eat Through Anything But Can't Find Anything To Store It In

Careful Karma might make you the poor sap that acid kills in the story.
i'm not even middle aged yet, and my memory sucks. I can't recall names unless I'm given multiple choice to select from.

I ate too many hotdogs as a child. That stuff causes brain damage.
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I'm waiting for the day when we'll see this kind of discovery:

Scientists Discover An Acid That Can Eat Through Anything But Can't Find Anything To Store It In

And on a more serious note, as someone that was a caregiver for his own Mom during the last few years of her life as Alzheimer's ravaged her memories, I am also all for anything that's truly helpful. After witnessing her basically losing everything over years of time I swear I don't think I'd wish that disease on my worst enemy, it's really seriously something I despise utterly.
Fluoroantimonic acid are probably the closest thing that can eat through almost anything. Those acid are pretty nasty shit that can eat through glass containers except containers made out of teflon.
Megalith Thanks for this story. I hadn't heard of this site either and spent a good amount of time last night reading various articles.

I often felt that Alzheimer's is one of the cruelest jokes that life can play on anyone that has managed to live a mostly healthy life. I'm aware now that it can affect people even in their 20's, but to think of living a nearly full lifespan only to have your mind taken from you. I've known people with relatives who've had this. It's a kind of living torment for all, especially in the final stages.
Megalith Thanks for this story. I hadn't heard of this site either and spent a good amount of time last night reading various articles.

I often felt that Alzheimer's is one of the cruelest jokes that life can play on anyone that has managed to live a mostly healthy life. I'm aware now that it can affect people even in their 20's, but to think of living a nearly full lifespan only to have your mind taken from you. I've known people with relatives who've had this. It's a kind of living torment for all, especially in the final stages.

Lost my mother-in-law to it. It took her body years to stop working, but she was already long gone. truly terrible disease.
Spent some time assisting in an Alzheimer's ward, it's why I believe in assisted suicide. Anything that keeps people out of places like that is OK by me.
immediately used by healthy people to become super-villains

but I love how the media does what it always does, extremely exagerate a science advance, in this case where the scientists specifically say it can't bring back dead neurons but media uses the word "REVERSES" anyway
immediately used by healthy people to become super-villains

but I love how the media does what it always does, extremely exagerate a science advance, in this case where the scientists specifically say it can't bring back dead neurons but media uses the word "REVERSES" anyway

Obviously it was referring to this part "also reverse some of the damage caused by the amyloid plaques that progressively kill the neurons of Alzheimer’s patients."
So can this be used by anyone to improve memory? I need a prescription.
Alzheimer's is no joke. Anything that can slow or stop the progression of it I'm all for, period.
I agree, but news like this hardly ever results in anything other than media hype unfortunately.