Scientists Grow Breasts In Petri Dishes

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I firmly support this type of research.

Researchers successfully grew miniature mammary glands from cultured breast epithelial cells, allowing them an opportunity to discover how cells generate the hollow ducts that form a network of branches and terminate in grape-like structures to form the breast.
I thought cancer was caused by the shortening of telomeres in our DNA. Every time a cell copies itself the telomeres shrink. Eventually done enough times and either the cell stops working or goes cancerous. When a cell is cancer it just turns on the telomeres gene and becomes immortal.

The idea is that you want every healthy cell in your body to have long telomeres to prevent cancer, while cancer cells you want telomeres shut off completely.

Here's a short video by SENS on cancer and telomeres.

Another recent video shows what research has gone into this and they have found four compounds that extend telomeres. Though only 5% effective.
I thought cancer was caused by the shortening of telomeres in our DNA. Every time a cell copies itself the telomeres shrink. Eventually done enough times and either the cell stops working or goes cancerous. When a cell is cancer it just turns on the telomeres gene and becomes immortal.

The idea is that you want every healthy cell in your body to have long telomeres to prevent cancer, while cancer cells you want telomeres shut off completely.

Here's a short video by SENS on cancer and telomeres.

Another recent video shows what research has gone into this and they have found four compounds that extend telomeres. Though only 5% effective.

Thank you for the links.
but perky tits require the pecs behind them to be bigger so the fake breasts will still drag when the women do not take care of their bodies... and the women with nice real ones will still have nicer tits... lol

telimers that shorten are based on the encoding getting chopped up or mistranslated. think of telimers as a series of a-t, c-g pairs. The chains need to form a never ending circle so when the new cell is created through mitoiuos where the cell spilits in half if the chain does not match up correctly you get what ever is the first point it matches up. thus if too many of the links have breaks you get a cell with rna traits instead of cell with dna traits. of course as long as we have people like actors claiming to be noble peace prize winners research will still be what ever pays the bills.
As a person who has been involved in a lot of Imaging research (and other types of detection and training research) for Breast Cancer for my entire 18+ year career I am very interested in this.
The most interesting bit of this technology is that they can grow bits of people. This has many great applications from growing hearts for people that need heart transplants. If women wanted bigger breasts we could always use Epigenetics. Same goes for mens sausages.
Great. We sent away for Sea Monkeys when I was a kid. My son will get to send away for a "Grow Your Tits Kit".
Still not sure why growing breasts in a petri dish helps understand cancer. If we're to treat people better we have to stop looking at these diseases from the surface and get to the core of the problem. People are like cars in that we're made to only last for so long. Beyond a given point is an evolutionary shadow, in that evolution has no idea what happens to people beyond a given point. Cars are the same way, they're made to only last for a certain extent. Given that you took care of the car from the moment it was bought it could last forever. We can also rebuild the car infinitely amount of times. We can't rebuild people, because we didn't make people.

But scientists know what breaks us down over time and a few of them they have an idea on how to maintain the human body like a car.

Extracellular Junk <- we know of enzymes that can break this down
Intracellular Junk <- antibodies can fix this
Extracellular Crosslinks <- actually had a cure for this but only worked in mice
Cell Loss and Atrophy <- Stem cells we can signal the body to replace bad cells
Death-Resistant Cells <- Nothing in the near future
Cancerous Cells <- already drugs that inhibit cancer telomeres and lengthen healthy cells
Mitochondrial Mutations <- No real solution

Google created a company called Calico for this.
Well the reason they want to grow these in a plate is that they can test the results of this research since human experimentation had been mostly illegal for 70 years and even animal testing us getting some bad press. So many medical theories these days are only tested via statistical analysis rather than scientific controlled tests since we simply can't take a 2 year old raised in isolation, give them a fatal disease and test drug cocktails on them one at a time. If they can grow perfect transplants at the same time, I say more power to them. I'd even pitch in for a kick starter for some petri prostates and whatnot.
The most interesting bit of this technology is that they can grow bits of people. This has many great applications from growing hearts for people that need heart transplants. If women wanted bigger breasts we could always use Epigenetics. Same goes for mens sausages.

Your saying I can make my dick bigger with surgery?

No Neo, what I'm saying is that when you're ready, you won't have to.

Also it would be really great if they could just make those tubes hollow again after they do their thing. Mamory tissue is not very good at rebounding after being used.

Cue flapjacks on bunny.....
We can't rebuild people, because we didn't make people.

Last time I checked, only humans can make humans. I haven't seen any other species give birth to human offspring. I think what you mean is humans did not engineer humans. ;)