Score! 3.40e SL7E6


Limp Gawd
Sep 19, 2004
Happy score... Due to Gigabyte Not makeing the 6800GT AGP anymore, A person decided to take the upgrade to a 7800.. Sli. "he had to RMA the 6800 He then found out his Mother baord would not work.. :D Games are like drugs.... He has to have em.. Puts up for sale a Gigabyte MB "my fav series" Along with the CPU and 1 gig of corsair! So he can Buy a new MB and CPU to accpet his new Vid card.

I am now the proud owner of a 3.40e SL7E6 :D
And the Gigabyte MB and another gig of ram.
I have been looking for another 3.06 to add to a extra build I have been doing and ran across this.
After I sell the Board and RAM "already have a buyer" I will have a 3.40e SL7E6 for a whopping $110 SCORED! Before I jumped I watched these same CPU's go on E bay for $245 to $260 at closeing. Did smoe more research and Found this CPU specifcly is a HUGE Over clocker.. People are hitting over 5ghz and stable.. "With water" and easily doing 4.2 to 4.5 ghz on air...
I did feel a bit guilty walking away last night but ...He will be more Happy with his new set up than with nothing... right? :p
The new CPU will be placed in this beautiful case this weekend.


I couldn't help noticing the very large window fan in the background. That is a nice looking case
$BangforThe$ said:
That is a nice looking case

Another score... E bay 15 bucks... :D I hate it when people cant spell on e bay and no one can find there item but me... :p
Is that one of those board with the 6 dimm slots? I wanted one of those things so bad...
Nasgul said:
I'd like to know where did you see a Socket 478 Prescott doing 4.2ghz to 4.5ghz on air? Also the 5ghz stable.

Yeah I agree...I'm not so sure any 478 pressie is going to oc that well. I remember when the 478's first came out people were getting 4.4-4.5ghz on phase change.
Nasgul said:
I'd like to know where did you see a Socket 478 Prescott doing 4.2ghz to 4.5ghz on air? Also the 5ghz stable.
Not mine.. Yet.. :D

Yes they can and extremly well..
quite impressive. What voltage is that at? And what temps?

edit: oh it's an engineering sample...that would help explain why it oc's so well. I didn't notice that before.
Eva_Unit_0 said:
Yeah I agree...I'm not so sure any 478 pressie is going to oc that well. I remember when the 478's first came out people were getting 4.4-4.5ghz on phase change.

The 478 are great to OC.. I get an easy 20% with air and 3200 memory. Cant get higher than 3.6 on my 3.06 due to memory the 3200 holds it back. And that is very stable and cool temps... Even when I only had a stock heat sink on it it still ideled at 30 max 55 load.

My other 3.0 prescotts easily go to 3.6 "20%" but run alot warmer. Still stable... Max Temp at full load 74. Again held back by the 3200..

Dont knock em,, The 3.06 Northwood, and the 3.0 prescotts are excellent to OC.
Yes, what voltage? I'm overclocking an E0 Celeron D and need some references.
chrisf6969 said:
OC results ??

I want to smooth this thing out before i try and break it :D Had a hell of a time getting this thing stable.. Major problems getting chip set drivers loaded. Dam thing took me 5 hrs to get it to finaly stableize... and run at 35 degrees... was idleing at 65 before.

This was the biggest pain in the ass to get to run... Problems with every driver for the board... Actualy had to walk away from it 2 times before I was able to get the drivers to take.. I was prety pissed as I own 5 of these boards and they are always a breeze to set up.. This one was being a dick....
Been running for 4 hrs now stable @ 30 to 35 degrees at 1.42 volts I am almost done loading software etc..... When Im done I will start bumping it up.. till it pukes... :p
you need to run super pi 1.4 that is the mod version and the only legit version. Still your time on that version is really quite slow for 4900mhz?? How about veryifying that clock?
Here is a link to the Super Pi you need to run.
If this is all for real then it is a hellacious clock. But by the super pi time you have it looks like you ran it at about 4100 to 4200 then used clock gen to up your mhz then took a screenie. you see I can run that pi at a much lower Spped and come it at 27 seconds.
@ 4900 with that pi you should be in at around 24 or 25 seconds.

WeldZilla said:
you need to run super pi 1.4 that is the mod version and the only legit version. Still your time on that version is really quite slow for 4900mhz?? How about veryifying that clock?
Here is a link to the Super Pi you need to run.
If this is all for real then it is a hellacious clock. But by the super pi time you have it looks like you ran it at about 4100 to 4200 then used clock gen to up your mhz then took a screenie. you see I can run that pi at a much lower Spped and come it at 27 seconds.
@ 4900 with that pi you should be in at around 24 or 25 seconds.


Well where to begin....................

Lets start here.Please read the words above that screen shot...........
Not mine.. Yet..
Does that help ?

I pulled that screen from another forum thread.. The #s are true... "Not mine though"

I tweaked it abit yesterday "actualy mine" and was only able to bump to 4.08x Temps at idle rose 15 degrees.. And that was still at 1.42 volts... I backed it back down.. due to time... "did not have time to start digging down into it"
@ 3.75x It had very stable temps.. barley bumped 5 degrees. So I went another 20 on the 4.08x
I dont think I will be able to hold above 4 without faster RAM.
As time goes and the balls swell a bit :p I will start tweaking the volts a bit to try and keep it cooler.. After I get some differant RAM..

Any Suggestions on RAM? I have 2 x 512 XMS 3200 presently in it. What would be the best to help tweak it more?
Yeah, 28s SuperPi isn't too impressive for near 5Ghz. K8's do that at 3Ghz :(. I'd like to see sub-26 :D.