Scorned Ex Posts Vandalism Photos on MySpace

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I did not vandalize your apartment and you can’t prove a thing. Wait, except for that picture on my MySpace page of your apartment after it was vandalized….I have no idea how that got there.

A scorned 21-year-old told her ex-boyfriend that he couldn't prove she was the one who vandalized his apartment on three occasions - but then, police said, she posted a picture of the damage on MySpace.
I once had a gf clean out my whole apartment while I was gone for the weekend. I called the cops and she told them to prove a warrant, walked in and she had everything in the living room with price tags on it for a yard sale she was going to have, including my 18 1/2in neck, 36-37 sleeve length collection of dress shirts.
April Fool Dumb-Ass! :D after doing something like that and posting on myspace, she's not too smart for not thinking anyone would check out her myspace site if they know she has one:eek: feel sorry for him and laughing like hell at her for the stupidity:D:D
Damn, I've dated my share of crazies but they were at least intelligent and crazy. I love when idiots post incriminating evidence in the
Someone please shoot off this girl's ovaries. She MUST NOT infect our gene pool. It's bad enough as it is.
What a dumb whore. A dumb, dumb whore. Matters of the heart should stay in the heart. If a relationship doesn't work out, move on, and find someone better - you don't hurt them, their stuff, or their car.

Dumb whore.
oh ya, that will show him, now ill post in on myspace for the whole world to see. idiot
i wonder if its possible that he knew her myspace password, posted the pictures then pinned it on her that way.
i wonder if its possible that he knew her myspace password, posted the pictures then pinned it on her that way.

Did he put all his belongings in her house with price tags on as well?
Did he put all his belongings in her house with price tags on as well?

That was a story from a [H] member, not from the article.

Otherwise it's totally plausible that he pinned it on her, but I'd be willing to bet she did it. The normal defense to an accusation is something to the effect of, "no I did not do it," not, "you can't prove it." What a crazy bitch.. 3 times his shit was vandalized.
Did he put all his belongings in her house with price tags on as well?

yup, the story was just that somebody broke into this guys house, splattered paint all over the place and over some of his stuff, impaled a teddy bear, destroyed some stuff and poured trash all over.

He said it was his ex, she said prove it. Then they found pictures of his house with the damage done to it posted on her myspace page.

I doubt that he himself would destroy his stuff, but he could have taken pictures after the he found it messed up and then logged into her account and posted them. It also could be that she didn't do it but knows who did and they gave her the pics. I myself don't see how the pictures alone would prove that she herself did the damage. At most it could show that she knows who did it.
crap, I forgot to add the second quote to my above reply. I meant to quote SPARTAN VI as well as he is the one I was agreeing with about the tag stuff being a story a person on the forum here posted and not the article.
When someone begs you to prove that they committed a crime, well, chances are they did it. Either way, chicks are nuts.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." - Unknown

I would have to side with the people who agree the woman did the damage. There are videos all over the internet showing pissed-off women doing things such as tossing all the guy's belongings on the sidewalk in-front of work or peeing on a chair in the boss' office.
3 occassions? Wouldn't you change the locks and shit after the first time it happened.
this article is bullshit

No pic of psycho broad!\
If by "Unknown" you mean "William Congreve," then yes . . . ;)

William Congreve, the playwright, who lived from 1670-1729, not William Congreve the inventor, who lived from 1772-1828, creator of the Congreve rocket. I was initially confused, so I looked it up. Wiki FTW.
I once had a gf clean out my whole apartment while I was gone for the weekend. I called the cops and she told them to prove a warrant, walked in and she had everything in the living room with price tags on it for a yard sale she was going to have, including my 18 1/2in neck, 36-37 sleeve length collection of dress shirts.

Hope she got her ass kicked by the authorities ?
Sounds about at the level of the average MySpace user.
Ouch, feel sorry for him, hate to have that happens to me

But I can't help laughing at that stupid chick. Hope that dumb bitch is found guilty and forced to pay for all the damage
I wonder why he broke up with her. She seems like a well balanced person. I mean who doesn't break into peoples homes and throw paint around.