Screen Flickering While Gaming


Jan 25, 2007
So i fairly recently (about a month ago) received my dell xps l702x, and i couldnt be happier with it. But recently, when gaming (pretty much all i play is Battlefield BC2), ill randomly get black partial or full flickering on the screen. Its kind of worry some, and i cant recall if this started after i installed new drivers or not. It doesnt feel like anythings overheating or not, sure, it gets hot, but its a quad core with an nvidia 550m and it doesnt get any hotter than it did before i started having this issue.

is this because the new drivers i installed or is it something more serious?
are you using any AA? Because I noticed alot of "tearing" with my x-fire 5870s without AA...
Yeah, im using 4x AA, it doesnt seem like tearing, its like the whole picture will flicker black and then back to the regular game picture repeatedly, pretty quickly, and then itll stop after a few seconds, and then happen again anywhere from 2-30 minutes later
All of the sets I've tried higher than 270.61 have had bfbc2 issues for me with my sig rig of gtx570 sli. Try the one I listed or older and good luck!
I had similar problems many years ago with bf1942. One time rolling back the drivers solved the problem. But the problem returned months/years later and it turned out my video card was overheating. I dusted out my fans thoroughly and back to normal.
thanks guys! i tried the older drivers like goldentiger said and im still having the same problems. which is weird because i dont remember having this problem before i updated the drivers, but then again i dont remember if i did or not haha