Seagate 1.5TB - $100 @ Dell FS

Dam, i bought 2 if these drives from directron the other day. This is a steal.
Boo on the tax, but still a pretty good deal. If it was a non-Seagate brand, I would've jumped on it. I already have a Seagate HDD and would like to diversify since this would be my backup HDD.
I bit.....I'm not hurting for storage, but this would be an excellent drive for external backup. I live in Texas, so tax is a given, but it's $10 cheaper than Fry's 1-day sale last week (granted, Fry's was a retail box, vs. Dell's OEM version). I would add that the free shipping is 2nd Day Air, so that sweetens the deal.
Pretty nice to be able to get the 2 for 200 deal split up. I needed 3 drives and now I don't have to drop the extra 100
I thought the $119.99 price tag for these drives at Microcenter was a good deal. This is even better.
I'm waiting for 5 cents a gig then i'm getting new drives, last set was around 20 cents ones before that 45 cents, and i think those were 1 year apart each, my how prices have dripped.
This is probably (again) one of Dell's price mistakes. The last 2 or 3 orders I've made for drives there have all been canceled because of "pricing mistakes." Bull.
This is probably (again) one of Dell's price mistakes. The last 2 or 3 orders I've made for drives there have all been canceled because of "pricing mistakes." Bull.

No, it probably isn't. I ordered and received 2 for $199 last month(?) when they had their last deal on these drives. Haven't had time to test them out yet though, but that's another subject:D
In for 3 more. My WHS box is catching up with some of those guys in the super storage forum. With the 3 more I finally will eclipse 10TB.
Wow, unfortunately it's not showing up at 99.99 for me. So it's back to 139.99 with tax, so definitely not a deal.

Is anyone having luck otherwise?
Wow, unfortunately it's not showing up at 99.99 for me. So it's back to 139.99 with tax, so definitely not a deal.

Is anyone having luck otherwise?

I just received my drive today. I haven't had a chance to format it yet, as I'm looking for an external enclosure to put it in.