Seagate 160gb SATA HD - $39.99 AR @ outpost

I ordered one then it got cancelled, I thought maybe I put wrong CC or something, I ordered again and it too got cancelled, anyone else order this?
I try to order and it will not put the item into the shopping cart?? Oh Well, could have been a good deal...
Doesn't show up in my cart for $89 but I didn't go through the checkout process. Deal dead?
SparksNelec said:
Doesn't show up in my cart for $89 but I didn't go through the checkout process. Deal dead?


Oops, thought you were talking about the original drive, not the SATA II version.
it was working yesterday when it was posted. Now it's gone. :( The SATA2 version is 59.99 which is $20 more, but still not an awful deal for a 160gb SATA2 drive.
The deal for the SATAII drive is back. Add the drive from the link josanai posted and it should show up as $79.99. Shipping is charge though. ~$10 for 2 day and ~$8 for ground.

I ordered one and got my confirmation e-mail so looks like this one is working.
Looks like this and the 250gb deal are dead now. I hope they ship my 250.