Seagate / 320GB / 7200 / 16MB / SATA-300 / OEM -- $90 CAD! ($20MIR)

Nah, it's flaming hot. Isn't $90 Canadian equal to about $1.75 American?

LOL just kidding :p
The link works for me. Perhaps your browser isn't expanding the compressed link when it's clicked.

This is the USA site for TigerDirect. Same company, just prices for non-Canucks. :p

Go to and search for drives 200-320GB in capacity or item TSD-320AS or

Seagate 320GB, 16mb cache, SATA-300, OEM drive $79.99USD
annaconda said:
Don;t you think it is some what expensive for 320GB

So 300GB maxtor crap with a one year warranty for $70 is good, but a 320GB Seagate with a 5 year warranty is overpriced @ $80?

That's besides the point. Shipping across the border is expensive. If I were to buy this for $70 in the US and have it shipped to me it would probably end up being $100+ because of brokerage.

Just because something isn't a deal to YOU doesn't mean it's not a deal. Notice I SPECIFICALY posted this as a Canadian item yet you still assume it revolves around Americans?
Nemesis999 said:
So 300GB maxtor crap with a one year warranty for $70 is good, but a 320GB Seagate with a 5 year warranty is overpriced @ $80?

That's besides the point. Shipping across the border is expensive. If I were to buy this for $70 in the US and have it shipped to me it would probably end up being $100+ because of brokerage.

Just because something isn't a deal to YOU doesn't mean it's not a deal. Notice I SPECIFICALY posted this as a Canadian item yet you still assume it revolves around Americans?

You don't talk to many Americans that often do you? lol
Seanmounce said:
You don't talk to many Americans that often do you? lol

Is that in refrence to the "assumption that everything revolves around America" whine?

I do, and I see this a lot, and it gets pretty annoying sometimes.

Anyways, point still stands. It's a good deal for Canadians.
Seanmounce said:
wtf mate, I was agreeing with you...

And I was agree with you, it gets pretty annoying! :p

Meh, now that I read it that post does come off as sorta hostile, lol.

I need sleep.
thunderstruck! said:
Nah most Americans are cocky and think it's the best nation on earth. You make a good point.

Best nation on earth statement depends on the view of each individual.
One mans trash is another mans treasure.