Search Functions?

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Limp Gawd
Nov 6, 2007
Noticed that search functions are turned off right now and I'm obviously logged in too.

I use the New Posts function and lost without it.

Anyone else notice this or am I losing my mind? :)
yep its gone, but the site has been running better it might be why they deactivated it for right now :)
Kyle had it on and off over the last few days because of some issues. They are prob looking into it now.
I was browsing threads and noticed the search button next to the subscription menu was gone.

Wonder what [H] is up to know with that pesky little feature :p
Thanks for letting me know. Appreciated. Any ETA on the return of the almighty search gods?
Wow, I never knew the search feature would be so missed on this forum. Everything seems to load a bit faster and smoother now, though. =] Thanks for all the hard work (all you [H]ard|Forum moderators). Hope the issues get resolved soon.
Kyle what are you doing!! I need to research a new CPU, mobo and memory purchase and I need access to the search function!! HELP! :)

Well you *could* post the same question over again, and then get people flaming you to use the search button. :p
I hope the search function gets re-activated. I normally use it to find my previous posts to catch up of the responses.
You know you can subscribe to threads so you can get email notifications of responses... right?
Yes the search button is missed...I always use the "view new posts" button since this forum moves so fast and I dont have time to check every sub forum. Although the site is running quicker, Im sure the problems will be worked out and the buttons will be back in no time. I can deal with it for now. :)
its not likes its gone for good guys, it will come back, on a forum this size it pretty much has to be there or the server load will jump with noobs posting the same stupid questions over and over (ok.,. not stupid, but if they had the search feature...) this happens every so often..
It will be back when it's back. No need to turn this into a chat room.
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