searching new vidcard


Sep 26, 2006
i'm thinking about buying a new vidcard...ati offcourse
but i'm on budget for about and round 150 € to 200 €

so what cards are good enough to play all games for now?
(now í've got the x700 pro 256 mb)
My X850XT PE holds its own in all of the newer games that are out. you can find them on american sites for about $150 which is about 195 euros (I think € = euros... if not im sorry :D) if im not mistaken. I average about 98fps in Battle Field 2 with all eye candy except AA if that helps you get an idea of how fast the x850 is...
yeah that gives me something to compare with :D

but...any other cards?
i'm really trying to get a mad gaming rig...only problem is i aint got to much time for gaming
or being onto forums all that much so i'm not that up to date about new vidcards of nextgen and all of that ...

so ? any other thoughts???
that x1900 gt looks veeeeery tempting :)

yet...i might consider to get a little bit more of an liiiitle bit more expensive card but than crossfire it ... i just like the idea of 2 vidcards :)

anyone any ideas or thoughts about that?