Seasonic S12-430 Question


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2004
I have a question concerning the Seasonic S12 series of power supplies. I am finally down to three choices: Seasonic S12 430/500/600 the Antec Neopower 480 and the TruepowerII line is looking very interesting. I feel as though i can get away with the S12 430, I only have a BFG 6600gt OC, but next year or so when i upgrade Im sure the cards will require external power. So can i mod the S12 430 to have a PCI-express line if needed in the future? or should i just suck it up and get the 500? Ill be honest, i cant really spend $150.00 on a power supply and I found the 430 for $76.00. so what do you guys suggest.

here is what i have so far:

3200+ venice (when the get out)
2GB Twinmos SP PC3200
36.7GB Raptor
200GB Seagate
BFG 6600gt OC
NEC 3520 16x DVDrw
MSI NF4 Ultra