second 22inch monitor or single 24inch?

Dec 6, 2007
For some odd reason I feel the need to either get a bigger monitor or get a dual monitor setup going. Currently I have a Samsung 226BW and it's been great. 2ms response time, great design, good colors, etc. However I've been noticing more and more how small it is. I went on ebay and saw quite a few people selling the same monitor for really cheap. On the other hand, a really nice 24 inch asus (ASUS VW246H) is only $220 on newegg...What should I do?

1. Buy the ASUS monitor and keep my samsung as a secondary display (24 inch for gaming, 22 inch for added multitasking, etc)

2. Buy the ASUS and sell the Samsung

3. Get a second 22inch samsung if I find a really good deal?

All comments/suggestions are welcome. Also feel free to share your experience with a single large monitor vs. multiple small ones. Which is better for every day use? I don't plan on doing web design/photo editing/coding/etc that requires 2 monitors specifically.
do you NEED a second monitor? sounds like you WANT a bigger one.
and if your sig rig is correct you are wasting that 285 on 1680 x 1050, that card needs 1920x1080
you're basically right...I do want a bigger monitor. The only reason why I even looked into a second 22inch is out of curiosity and the fact that there's some crazy cheap prices on ebay ATM. But in reality I don't think I'd ever really get the full benefit from 2 monitors, and in any case it wouldn't be a real "upgrade". I'm thinking what I'll do is buy the 24 inch when my next paycheck rolls around, and then try using both the 22 and 24 together...If it turns out that it's a waste I will be selling the 22 inch.

This will actually be really cool because I'll be able to get some more replay value out of my games and enjoy them on a bigger screen. Is it difficult to set up dual monitors or is it just plugging both into the GPU and then assigning them in windows?
Get 2 more 22 inch and the new Radeon for tri-monitor gaming!

If you want a bigger monitor, then get one. You can still run both monitors in dual display, and just set the bigger one for primary. Then when you game the bigger one will display the game you're playing.

FACT: You can run monitors with differing resolutions/sizes in dual display. I have a 1680x1050 secondary montior and a 1920x1080 primary. Works just fine.
Ideally you want to have the same resolution and screens size, but it works fine with different sizes and resolutions.
I am running a 20" 1680x1050 as Primary and a 19" 1440x900 as secondary on my setup.
Thanks guys. I've basically made up my mind to buy the ASUS 24 inch. The only problem now is getting them both on my desk. Since the 24 inch is going to be the primary monitor, I'd have to have it physically be the left monitor on my desk. Which sucks because I'll have to move my tower off the desk onto the floor to have it all fit. Ah well.