Seeking light weight HSF... AC Freezer 64, 7, TT 775D, or X-Fire?


Jul 12, 2006
Some of the 2 and 3 pound heatsink towers like the Big Tyhpoon, 9700, and such kinda worry me. I'm just not sure it is good to have something that heavy hanging off the side of my board in my tower case.

So I've been looking at some of the smaller coolers.

My first question is about the two Arctic Cooler Freezers I see recommended a lot. What is the difference between the Arctic Cooler Freezer 64 and Freezer 7? There seems to be a $50 difference on NewEgg at the moment, but I've read the Freezer 7 is usually much cheaper than the $70 NewEgg is asking.

Second question. Any thoughts on the Thermaltake Silent 775D or AeroCool X-Fire? Both about $30 and I can pick them up from a local computer store.

I like like the Silent 775D, I like the style that blows down on the motherboard and the 4 pin connector I believe means I should be able to use the SmartFan function with it. But there isn't a single freakin' review for this product. :(
If you're looking for a good hsf for overclocking purposes, then the Freezer64 should be removed from your list. It just plains sucks for good cooling, but is Very Quiet. Can't comment on the Freezer 7...never used it.

Look into the Scythe Ninja or Tuniq. They may be big n heavy but unless you are toting your pc around to lan parties all the time there is nothing to worry about. The wat they are designed to clamp onto the cpu socket, which is screwed into the mobo, and displaces the weight onto ~7.5 - 9 sq need to worry about it.