Self Service VM Provision


Jan 19, 2006
I'm looking to setup a self service portal for VM provisioning. I've read that this might be possible with VMware Orchestrator and since we already have a vcenter licence this might be ideal. I'm also considering a more custom setup with a PHP form translating to a script to run against vcenter. I've little web development experience so orchestrator is sounding more appealing at this stage but it also seems like it will have a pretty steep learning curve.

This solution doesn't need to be pretty as it will only be used for quickly building test environment systems.

Any suggestions or experiences?
That's the whole purpose of vCloud Director. Can do that off the shelf or as you said, build your own with Orchestrator and other stuff.
To piggyback what was stated above for vCD (which would be the ideal candidate), you can also leverage your PHP background with the vCloud SDK for PHP.
Thanks guys, so vCloud would be the ideal environment and is essentially an off the shelf solution for self service provisioning? vCloud looks pretty steep on pricing for managed VMs.
For lower cost, as I say we already have vCenter licence (and so orchestrator), and as this is for our test environment, orchestrator could be used with a little more work to create a self service web portal?

Does anyone know of any good resources to get up to speed on orchestrator quickly or seen any guides to achieve what I'm after?