Semi new type of game (not really)


Limp Gawd
Sep 16, 2004
So my idea is very simple but simple in design?? I'd like to see a game Like morrowind, eq, ac2 etc.. whatever.. instead of being singleplayer or MMORPG.. why not make it a common server like a 64+ person server that a person at home can host?

I think this would be cool for lan parties that don't have access to internet. Especially a net connection that can handle 64+ people. Maybe cap the server at 128 players or big lans.. I know I sometimes attend a lan party in columbus, Ohio.. Whempy's Lan for those of you that read this :) I think it would be cool to toss up a server to play some RPG action without having to fight for Bandwidth at the lan.

What do you guyz think? This is just a topic to discuss and throw your opinions..
*smacks gavel*
The floor is now open for discussion!
i dont even want to imagine what the stats for that server would be to run a 64 person server for something like morrowind....
much less if it wasn't dedicated :(
i just wanted 8 player coop morrowind. I thought taht would be cool. You kinda pair off and do quests for guilds based on your class and then all get together to do hard dungeon quests and stuff

that woulda been cool
well it'd be dedicated for sure ROFL.. I can hear the cries now.. why is the server laggin? Because i'm playing on it you morons now shutup and enjoy it ... haha

i'm thinkin more along the lines of a 3rd person or 1st person perspective instead of the top down stuff like d2 or ds2. more like WoW or EQ..

Since a game like this isn't even in the making.. i'm sure by the time it would be offered the systems of tomorrow can handle this game easily.. :)
not a bad idea. Some suggestions:
*you'd have to be able to import characters, otherwise it'd take forever to level up and get items, and I'm thinking you won't want to play only one game at a LAN event.
*it'd be nice to have a way when starting a server to store the game environment thats created, this way you can transfer/continue your game on another server
*be able to lock a certain game environment upon creation, so that it can only be opened when all the players are present.
*be able to lock characters to a certain game environment, so that people don't get left behind by people playing without them (this might not be popular, but for the diehards might be nice, easy to implement too)
*let people vote on whether to allow new people to join the game. This could also be used when someone starts playing their character outside of the game environment, and tries to bring him back in.
*be able to randomly generate characters/items for the players to reduce leveling time, jump straight into questing (or fighting with each other? :))

Bandwidth and a beastly dedicated server would probably be the biggest concerns, although that will come in time. after a couple years in development, who knows...
Have any of you played neverwinter nights? Because it can and does accomplish just such a feat. Fairly well too :)

Check it out if you haven't; the editing toolset is pretty spiffy.

Another option is running your own UO or EQ or WoW server. There are people who can and do run un-official game servers based on those engines and the content within. I used to play on one for UO (Ultima Online) that was pretty neat. There were a couple hundred people on regularly.

I guess what I'm saying is that the technology is out there, and has been for years. Nothing new needs to happen. Heck - there were MUDs 25+ years ago that had way over 64 people playing :cool:
The idea of letting someone store their character on their harddrive is fine as long as you have admin capabilities via rcon in the game etc.. Everyone knows that if the characters are stored on the client side they'll mod the heck out of their character file like in diablo I etc..

I remember the EQ emulation servers but I would hope you wouldn't have to go that route to play a game.. I'd like to keep it legal.. as far as never winter nights.. I'd like to see a WoW, Eq,asheron's call etc type style.. not the top over view.. like i said above :)

I heard never winter nights was great game don't get me wrong.. I just prefer the World of Warcraft style. And as someone mentioned.. 2+ years in production and this would be an easy game to host on a system.

As far as a 1 and only game at a lan. Na I didn't mean everyone would play that one game.. I just meant if everyoen did want to play then it has that capability.. The lan party i'm talking about plays so many different types of games. There's a server room during the event and they have quake 3, half life/cs, bf1942 dc , etc etc etc.. plus a xbox area.

Liek I said though.. instead of having to emmulate it.. I'd like to legally run a legal copy .. especially in the public eye such as a lan party. Would just make life a little more simple :)