Senators OK $1B To Fight Online Child Porn

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A U.S. Senate panel has unanimously approved a bill allocating $1B over eight years to fight online child pornography. The story says that the bill encourages authorities “to use and create special software designed to nab child pornography swappers on peer-to-peer file-sharing networks

All told, the bill would allocate more than $1 billion over the next eight years for a broad array of efforts aimed at tackling Internet crimes against children. It calls for hiring 250 new federal agents at the FBI, the Immigrations and Custom Enforcement Agency, and the U.S. Postal Service dedicated to child exploitation cases; for beefing up personnel, equipment, and educational programs designed to combat Internet crimes against children.
Any of that going towards policing senators to stop sexually abusing interns, or is that a different issue? :confused:
They want to make photoshopped pictures illegal. Don't we already have enough laws banning thought crimes?

1984 should have never been mandatory reading in schools. Politicians mistook it for a guide on how government should be run.
Brb, reformatting my P drive.

TOO magical FBI abilities allow me to find child_kiddy_porn_rape_illegal.wmv on your P drive! Had it been named this_is_totally_not_kiddy_porn_she_said_she_was_17.wmv it would have gone undetected by our awesome $1 billion software.
What's that sound? The ticking away of thousands of keyboards renaming files and $1B being set on fire?

This is so pointless, how do you even track something like this?
wow! they're going to use software instead of pedo...i mean "special detectives" to search it out? LOL
Damn... Never thought about getting that job :p.

lol imagine what you would say to your kids if they asked you what "daddy does at work, and why are you always taking pictures of us"....

....and i think with writing that i just wrote my ticket to hell :D
i know some parents will be happy somewhere. but i imagine 1000 of us on hard ocp could probably come up with a better solution and all be paid 500k and do it for 1/2 the price. i'm just saying... this probably wont work.. they'll probably overlook torrents as always, irc etc...

what they need to do is get off their asses... search for kiddy porn then shut down the sites until its removed... but this isn't communist china so we'll use 1billion instead to get a bunch of fat cats rich and still promote kiddy porn on google (if they change their preferences)
just had a thought right now... if a pervert really wanted tons of kiddie porn he could help join the fbi... and "collect evidence" all day.. fucking sick.

so i'll leave you with a michael jackson joke as i leave work for the weekend...

why does michael jackson like twenty six year olds?

because there are twenty of them.
Well, there goes $1B up in smoke......maybe $10.00 might actually find it's way into the fund....the rest will no doubt be misappropriated into a large rat hole..

And when its all over, about 500 priests will be under indictment.
Oh goody - bigger government. *sigh* I love how they spend all this money on bandaids for everything instead of actually fixing the problem. We'll never learn.
Oh goody - bigger government. *sigh* I love how they spend all this money on bandaids for everything instead of actually fixing the problem. We'll never learn.

Since you obsioyly know how to "fix the problem" maybe you could clue the FBI in a bit. YOu being a expert and all on the subject of kiddie pr0n.

Something tells me this will not be just looking at file names. Jesus, even the FBI knows that software can do way more than that.
Actually finding that stuff wouldn't be too terribly technically impossible. You would use a facial recognition.. or OTHER region software to determin age.. That isn't impossible at all. Of course some poor sob would be responsible for confirming content and age of peoples filmed and distributed content.

See what I think will bite them in the arse is the whole stupid anti porn law about adult actors portraying cheerleaders or catholic schoolgirls... there by promoting in some way kiddie porn. (ok it isn't a huge leap but really come on.)

It is interesting and I think very feasible. Heck they could even distribute that sotware to people who have collections of porn but want to double check against known "child porn" signatures for file size and facial recognition. Right or wrong I personally would double check my collections.
Since you obsioyly know how to "fix the problem" maybe you could clue the FBI in a bit. YOu being a expert and all on the subject of kiddie pr0n.

I AM an expert - I say "No." It's complicated, but maybe some people will figure it out. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're an expert, too. ;)
Just out of curiosity, what would it take for the software to be retasked to look for things other than child pornography??

Don't get me wrong, those scum should be castrated and sent to prison where Bubby / Maurice (insert "you shure do have a purdy mouth for a city boy") and forcefully negotiate who gets the bottom bunk / control of the TV remote / that extra slice of bread on dinner rounds.

After all the RIAA/MPAA nonsense, I am a bit leary of our government / people that are employed by such "well informed IT gents" that this is / has a lot more potential that what is initially presented to the general public under the premise of "for our own good". The presentation to fight child porn is absolutly admirable / necessary, but it also invokes a "knee-jerk" emotional response that A LOT of people would take at face value only.

Just wondering... thats all..... .... .... :confused:
$1B to fight child porn...yikes...isnt the FBI supposed to be doing that already. The way P2P is thrown in to the article it makes me wonder if this is a smokescreen to go after P2P downloaders in general. Kinda like how the attorney general tried to link file sharing and terrorism last month.
Dunno maybe Its another government conspiracy like Bigfoot.
When the citizenry has child porn, the government prints out $1 billion dollars to fight it. When politicians have child porn, it's a "mistake" and we should overlook it.
Thats because when you "take a wide stance", it's sorta like a "get out of jail free" card.

And if that doesn't work, there's always "Rehab"
A billion would be better spent investigating Senators. This is a political payoff to keep the FBI from investigating congressional corruption, like when they went after William Jefferson. Can't have them going after politicians.
going after swappers is pointless. once it is on the internet, it is on the internet for good. go after producers. of course they are in other countries.

so spend it on something useful
...until the US congress passes legislation demaning a .xxx root url from ICANN.

On a .xxx site you can have all the pron you want. On any other site, you are busted. Simple solution that would fix 90% of the problems as most decent routers today will block a range or URLs. This assumes Joe Sixpaxk can open his router controls in a browser...

Oh and any pron on your personal machine... well that is personal now isn't it. And in my book personal means PRIVATE.

Torrents are another issue altogether, but the elected fools ate trying to smack a moving fly with a mashmellow gun when something like a .xxx would solve 90% of the "under age" kids are watching pron issues.
$1 billion eh? I needed a good laugh... wonder if Chris Hanson will get a cut...
call me a conspiracy nut, but...

a.) how do you fight child porn on the internet besides doing undercover work in internet communities.

b.) how do you fight child porn in p2p specifically? the mafiaa has 100's of billions at their disposal and they cant even find people pirating their copyrighted works.

c.) isnt this what the fbi does? the Federal Bureau of Investigation. i mean investigation is right in the name.

in conclusion this seems like a big smokescreen justification for outlawing p2p or somehow taking over the internets. or some pork barrel spending hiding in plain sight.

at the end of the day im going to be watching these developments really closely.

do you guys know about digital finger print . the fbi been doing this for the last few years --check this out your printer put its serial number inside of the picture you print. look at some of your picks under a black light and see the serial number in the pics. :eek: how do you think they got the btk killer he sent in a floppy disk to the police to play with them . the disk had the xp serial number in the disk . he didnt know this da. cd you burn do this to .you need special software to see this on the disk. do you know the gov can take pic with your cell phone cam with out you knowing it. thay take lots of pics when your havin sex hahahah.:D
another problem it leagal to have kid porn in japan and in russia . but you cant sale it.

heres a link to more info on this software they to track the child porn. "operation fairplay" not the oil tanker escort mission in iraq...

Special Agent Flint Waters described parts of the system to the subcommittee, and CNet's Anne Broache was there to capture some of the details. The system appears to rely heavily on filenames for targeting users for additional levels of scrutiny, but Waters declined to give too many details of how it positively identifies specific users who are engaged in illicit activity. Waters' comments, which refer to 624,932 "unique serial numbers" that are tied to specific suspects' computers for long-term tracking, make it difficult to discern just how accurate and invasive the system is. The agent wouldn't disclose much of anything about these "serial numbers," either how they're obtained or what they represent.
if the fbi got secrets - it wont be long before the hacker have it hahahah. like sony put software on their cd to track people music . then the hacker used it to spy on people.:eek:
an now the hacker on the islands have finish new hacking tools to upload kid porn into you pc . using file sharing programs you think your down loading music file, but your also unknowing load porn in to you pc in a secret file with out your knowlege. like a ticking time bomb when your kids go to a something like mickey mouse club the porn start showing up in front of the kid . look out the cops are coming. check your pc for hinded porn . seach hidden folders for pics today. do you really think any one would go to get their pc fix with this trash inside, get real they been frammed.
Everyone knows it takes $2 billion to fight child porn! What are they thinking?!?!?
$1B to fight child porn...yikes...isnt the FBI supposed to be doing that already. The way P2P is thrown in to the article it makes me wonder if this is a smokescreen to go after P2P downloaders in general. Kinda like how the attorney general tried to link file sharing and terrorism last month.
Dunno maybe Its another government conspiracy like Bigfoot.

The FBI is doing that-- by putting kiddie porn from their own stash on the net and arresting people who click on the links, which they then use as proof of a child porn problem on the net, so they can get the senate to approve $1B in funding for people to just pocket, while they continue to plant and root like they always do!

Sure, child porn does exist, but the problem isn't even anything remotely close to what it's made out to be. I find it halarious that none of this money will even go to get rid of what little there actually is, and will just wind up going to set more people up to get arrested in stings, so they can justify even more funding in the future..

Child porn is a great money maker-- for those lucky enough to be getting blank checks by the government to "fight" it!

Why do you think people that download and whack off to child porn (and never actually touch a child) wind up with ridiculous, highly publicized 1000+ year sentences while those very few that they find that actually make the shit wind up with 10-20 years?
The cynic in me thinks this is a ruse. I'd like to know what the money is REALLY for.

I would almost think it's to actually develop software for finding music/movie file sharers, not kiddy porn as stated. The Music/Movie industry lobbyists have shown themselves to be very influentual over our elected officials.

You never know...
The FBI is doing that-- by putting kiddie porn from their own stash on the net and arresting people who click on the links, which they then use as proof of a child porn problem on the net, so they can get the senate to approve $1B in funding for people to just pocket, while they continue to plant and root like they always do!

The FBI cannot legally distribute child porn in any way. They do post links to what seem to be illegal files but the links do not actually lead to child porn.

Why do you think people that download and whack off to child porn (and never actually touch a child) wind up with ridiculous, highly publicized 1000+ year sentences while those very few that they find that actually make the shit wind up with 10-20 years?

They don't. I just read an article about a person who got 2 years in prison for possession of child porn. 2-10 years seems to be about the average and I think that's a fair punishment.

If the FBI really can "take pic with your cell phone cam without you knowing", I think they can develop a nice child porn detection system when given a billion dollars.

FBI officials cannot simply browse their database of child porn when they feel like it, so no, FBI investigator would not be a good job for a pedophile. The database is mostly searched by computers and programs such as the one discussed in this article.

P2P is a huge medium of child porn. Have you every tried to use Limewire?

I understand people who think the $1 billion will be used inefficiently or is unnecessary, but equating FBI officials with pedophiles, claiming that most politicians watch child porn, or speculating that the money will be used to stop P2P music sharing is just being cynical IMO. People in the FBI (and, to a lesser extent, politicians) are just normal people like us who happen to work for the government and have an interest in criminal justice (which, IMO, would be a pretty interesting job).