sennheiser hd201 help


Sep 15, 2005
Just picked up a pair of Sennheiser HD201's, no amp or nothing but i cannot seem to get them to even sound alright, they sound terrible right now. i had a few people tell me they dont sound bad at all with no amp or nothing, so i got them. is there some settings or something i might have all messed up? what can i do to get some better sound out of these.
what is your source? are they new? they might need some (or a lot) burn-in to sound good
For around 20 bucks, it easily has the best highs and mids at that price. But there's virtually no bass on these guys. You NEED an amp to get some semblance of bass from the 201's.
IMO pink noise is no magical frequency or anything, results are quite varied. I just took a pinknoise track and a couple of other bass HEAVYYY songs put them all in a playlist and hit repeat.
well i been finding diff pink noise sounds, some higher pitched it sounds like, would it be better with a high pitched noise or lower?